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Posts posted by Saraqael

  1. Hello Christyy ,

    I am TGM Saraqael, thank you for writing your report.

    Your report is marked as Valid, according to the following rule:

    Section III - Common Courtesy and Social Rules

    • Erotic and Pornographic material: Any kind of erotic or pornographic material, such pornographic comments, links to pornographic websites and images and such should also be avoided whether you're joking or not.

                              Punishment: Mute to 15 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach permanent account suspension).

    Have a nice day.


  2. Hello Apestorm ,

    I am TGM Saraqael, thank you for writing your report.

    Your report is marked as Valid, according to the following rule:

    Section III - Common Courtesy and Social Rules

    • Racism and Discrimination: Any kind of remark deemed as racist or discriminatory towards a race, skin color, culture, country, or sexual orientation is not tolerated, avoid it at all costs, whether you're joking or not.
      • Punishment: Mute to 15 days account suspension.

    Have a nice day.


  3. Hello Dragovish ,

    I am TGM Saraqael, thank you for writing your report.

    Your report is marked as Valid, according to the following rule:

    Section IV - Bug Abusing Rules

    General exploiting: The malicious use of bugs in a way that normal game-play would not permit, generally giving the user an unnatural advantage.

    • Punishment: 1 day account suspension to permanent account suspension.

    Have a nice day.


    1 person likes this

  4. Hello Pomplex,

    I am TGM Saraqael, thank you for writing your report.

    Your report is marked as Valid, according to the following rule:

    Section III - Common Courtesy and Social Rules

    Racism and Discrimination: Any kind of remark deemed as racist or discriminatory towards a race, skin color, culture, country, or sexual orientation is not tolerated, avoid it at all costs, whether you're joking or not.

    • Punishment: Mute to 15 days account suspension.

    Have a nice day.