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Posts posted by svetlio223

  1. I agree with @Cara and @Beltazard, but here is one but, everyone in the server used to complain when Boris will come. Well, he's here now why you complain you get like 20dollars donation for free instead of being thankful or at least take the gift and let the water flow instead you should be asking why this why that. Let me make on thing clear they cant add reputation with the level boost the only thing they can do is give 110 and let us do the quest while doing reputations cus without reputations you cant progress in Boralus with two words why you need level 120 to do the quests that you should do at 110 to level 120 + raise the reputations. See there is a reason behind everything i dont want to hurt anybody by anyway but if you ask me i would call you lazy cus you want everything to be granted for free without effort do you know that in retail you dont get any boost at all, all reps are x1 all level is x1 tell me whats better. The only stupid thing i saw from the staff so far was that they transfered Legion chars to BFA saying that they do that cus of the inflation in Legion so they want to prevent it in BFA how you prevent the inflation when you publicly tell everybody that items in backpack wont be sellable in AH (they gather mats for mounts without making them so they can make it in BFA) instead of giving everybody one level up to 110 armor 300ilvl and 1 profession but no they prevented inflation...................................................

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