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Posts posted by KuroKuro

  1. Hey; I haven't been here for a hot minute, but I was looking around at some old servers I used to play on in the past and was considering Firestorm to scratch that WoW itch again. Though, I do have a question about the RP community here. I know it can be really niche on private servers, but is it still kind of dead here or slightly alive or what?

  2. 22 hours ago, Gorramm said:

    Is the RP active on the legion realm? If so, pm me in game for sure, Gorraam.

    I'm not quite sure if it's active or not. A few friends and I originally looked for another server to play and RP on because an admin hijacked the server and RP lost its interest after the reboot. I believe we've settled on Firestorm for the most part, but most of us have been busy/lazy and/or have computer problems of some kind. Once the kinks are settled I'm sure they'll be 2-5 (depending, perhaps more should life find a way) active roleplayers joining the RP community on Firestorm on Horde side, but we might be change back to Alliance since we're all ex-Alliance players. For now, Gorraam, you can add either of my alts (Karuna or Athestre) to your friends list or send me a PM on the forums. I'm sure the rest of them will be willing to RP with you once we get as active as we used to be.

  3. On 1/31/2017 at 6:43 AM, kominax said:

    What is role play?

    A section of the game where one acts as their character as if they were a part of the actual game. For instance, you could be a mighty paladin aiding the poverty-stricken Westfall or a corsair that rules the high seas with their fleet. Think of it as a play, where one acts out their lines to formulate a story with other fellow "actors."

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