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Posts posted by Setfenv

  1. *cough* idk about you, but I've been hit by 3 consecutive 80k bites from a BM hunter, dunno where you're getting the whole "fixed bm" thing from...


    And when I'm queueing with a full mal holy priest, not exactly "healable"

  2. Greetings!

    I've noticed this about the server and I think it would be good to remove it. You can't put any sort of alt codes like ï and stuff into your name. 

    I, myself, want them so I can have the same name for all my toons without having to do stupid stuff like "tko" and "x" at the end of everything.

    Just a suggestion, thanks for reading!



  3. 5 hours ago, Samiwow said:

    Its a part of META.. the big problems are the classes bugs not the comps, this thing make it aids.. They prolly are NA.

    Why would a Turbo team be NA? EU Won Blizzcon with Turbo, lul.

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  4. I've beaten full s2 turbo's with s1 gear, I'm not raging over it. I just don't want to see retardcleaves in the tournament, I want some diversity.

    PS. There was two turbo's but the other one got deleted.

  5. Greetings fellow Stormers!

    I have been wanting to do this for a while but haven't found the right server to do it on, however I feel that Firestorm is that server.

    I would like to do a 3v3 Tournament consisting of every WoD server on Firestorm. Now, I'm not sure if that's possible but I guess if we got every single 3v3 team that regularly queues 3s to just stop and then only have the two teams that need to fight eachother to go, then it would work.

    However, I'm not perfect at this sort of thing so I'd definitely need help from Staff. I would stream this as well as get the word out to everyone I can and that can hopefully bring others to Firestorm. I, myself, have taken part in many tournaments on other realms and it has been great for them, so I think doing one here would be as well.

    Just kind of a request out to the GM's and Devs to hopefully get this thing going. We did a 1v1 Tournament yesterday on the Tournament realm so I know this wouldn't be necessarily impossible, however it's much more difficult than that.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and +1 this to hopefully get the attention of everyone!

    PS. If a GM would like to message me to talk about this, I would be very grateful, thanks!

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