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Posts posted by Ramkahen

  1. Hi Vicdgaf,

    With removing arena's I mean all the open pvp arena's like Dire Maul arena, The Ring of Trials, Circle of Blood Arena, Gurubashi Arena, Dire Maul Arena. What I mean is instead of having the option to go to each of them, having only one arena. I've visited all these arena's regurarly and noticed they are always empty. Gurubashi has 2-3 visitors per day. I'm also not sure by removing the others will attract more people to one arena though.

    About the Horde/Alliance Mall PvP zone I didn't mean it's necessarely a problem. What I mean is that the area might be too big where it leaves no goal to obtain/conquer something. I don't PvP there because I find it boring to only make HK's all day without having something to obtain or achieve. But that's my opinion. What i've seen is that there are just two places which are the most populated most of the time. Horde/Alliance Mall PvP Zone and PvP Duel Zone. 

    The issues i'm describing could just be a low population problem. Maybe we'll have to wait it out more. Also the Horde are low populated versus the Alliance faction which is comment on most servers. We could do something about that.

  2. Hi,

    I would like to suggest the following regarding world pvp on the Tournament realm. There hasn't been alot of competitive action being going on lately and we could make some changes to make it more fun to fight over a place.

    My thoughts of the situation now. I think there are too many deserted arena's where you can teleport to at the moment. The Great Arena, Dire Maul, Horde PvP zone. I suggest to remove atleast 3/5 arena's or maybe even better to have just one arena. This will leave no other options and will force players to go to that arena. 

    Now in order to lure people to the open arena we have to get rid of the PvP happening outside our malls. Make the malls a closed area so players will need to teleport to another place to PvP. As i'm thinking now there are just too many places and people are spread all over them and leave places not feel alive. (Maybe crossrealm so that we can see other players aswell)

    Maybe that you can come with your own ideas on how to manage this.

    On top of that I would like to add that guilds should be more competitive. Right now being in a guild doesn't add much to it. Suggestions are organizing more GuildvsGuild events, Guild Ranking on the website, rewards, etc. 

    If anyone would like to add or remind me of something please let us know down below.

  3. Hello guys, 

    My name is Ramkahenn a new member on this server. I just got back from retail since prepatch Legion is going on. As a shaman player I noticed very quickly that a talent is broken which makes it quite harder for shamans to survive. I'm talking about the talent Nature's Guardian. It does proc but it doesn't work in the right way. 

    I have trouble to put it in words so let me try to describe what it's been doing. The talent is supposed to bring health up by 25% for 10 sec when attacks bring me below 30% hp. But what it does it increases my total health without compensating my current health. 

    The best way is if one of the staff takes a look at it and try it out you'll see what I mean.

    Overall the server looks very healthy so good job on that :)

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