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Posts posted by Kilydan

  1. Dear Community

    Me and 2 other friends have decided to setup a project for both our guild and the rest of the community who is interested in this idea.

    We want to give both old and new players the opportunity to experience PvE as its supposed to be experienced. and that's by making it harder. the way we want to achieve this is by instead of looking forward. we look back. at things ppl concider "easy" nowadays because they're super outgeared. Ever wondered how an instance looked on HC on a lower ilv? well you can get that experience

    We're looking for both new, and old players who want to PvE. It's like twinking but on max level!

    In this link there is all the information you need and how to apply for it if you're interested in joining our team!

    1 person likes this

  2. i've 1 little question and 1 request:

    are you only able to receive points after doing your ingame stuff? or can you also talk to her, and then do stuff later on (lets for example think some ppl might do a daily "farm" routine and then talk to the npc, but what if that player later on randomly completes 3 achievements, he basically missed out on points if it counted on "talk only")

    Myself as a end-game player am i mostlikely using my shrine (as MoP expansion) as "chill" place or most common place, the last time i used to be in orgrimmar was like a few months ago (i dont have a reason myself to go there) - is it maybe possible to add the npc to all "bigger" capital cities (shrines, dalaran, shattrat etc...) so ppl are not forced to go to a place they would normally do.

    2 people like this

  3. 11 hours ago, Wtfhappened said:

    If you're smart.... just wait 1-2 months more and the 1070/1060 will go down to 200$

    the thing is, i heard that nvidea or something doesn't support SLI anymore (not sure if that counted for the 1070, but did for the 1060) while the RX 480 i am gonna get does still support a dual setup and thus is a easy cheap upgrade for me later on

  4. 2 hours ago, Azi said:

    Me neither, and I do not understand either how can give someone so much money for card!This is huge scam,game and hardware industry hand to hand just forcing people to buy expensive stuff's in order to play newest games! :)

    well newer games are graphically just becoming better and better and thus requests more power from a graphic card, also (fi im correct) do you also pay for the technology and the research to make new chips etc for the cards and ofc the components/material used

    but that's also the reason why AMD and NVIDEA released their "cheap" cards for high-end gaming, to give ppl with a lower budget a higher/better experience

    a normal pre-builded shop ("gaming") pc costs here around 1000-1500 ish, and if you buy all components from that PC yourself, the costs would be around 700-900 ish, 

    so buildign pc's yourself is gonna be cheaper mostlikely anw.

    the current PCi builded did cost me around 500 euro's but i made it so i can upgrade whenever i want/need instead of buying a whole new pc., but i checked how much a "custom builded gaming pc version" from the store would cost me that had close, if not exactly the same compenents as my pc, but that PC did cost you around 800 euro's 

    1 person likes this

  5. i myself as i said will go for the 480, purely cuz its so easy to upgrade and scales alot better with next-gen games using directx12 (their performance boost is higher then any other new released card), + whenever i feel a single RX 480 aint enough i can always upgrade to a crossfire setup of the RX480 which is on price tag close to (maybe even abit lower) then the new released top-tier card the nvidea's 1080 + is equivelant/better in a crossfire setup then the single 1080:

    (you can skip through the pages to see diffirent games (below is a selection box) to see how the crossfire performs compared to the 1080)

    the current single RX 480 is around 280 euro's (multiplied by 2 for crossfire is thus 560 but with stock cooling) and the 1080 is 800+, so price/quality scaling/range its just the best for a cheap card i think :P (not trying to convince you to upgrade o the rx 480, but when you do it might be a good pick :P) 

    (btw, the single 1060 (cheap version/competitor of amd's 480 ) cannot be used in a SLI so in that case (if you look to upgrade to very-heigh end RX 480 seems better :) )

  6. updated the spoilers that bugged out from the copy-paste i did from pandashan's forum awhile ago. might clean up the affliction and demonology guide aswell at some point or maybe even rework them + add video's if requested for all specs.

    the guide should look cleaner now :) 

  7. On 29-1-2016 at 2:47 PM, wraegoth said:

    About stat priority at destro, before 550 is better to go as haste>mastery...

    any proof/reason for that? never been aware of this, and going hit > int > mastery > crit=haste has worked for me since ilv 489 in msv (always pushed hard on the dps with this) i've never heard haste being usefull as destru before besides on very high value's when you have meta gems etc to place a rain of fire. since then your tickspeed is so high that its becoming beneficial

  8. not sure if you where aware of it, or just didnt care:

    why did you choose a GTX 970 when (according to my knowledge) the 2 new released graphic cards (AMD's RX 480 and nvidea's GTX 1060) are better on performance (especially with aftermarket custom coolers) and in the same price range as the GTX 970. these 2 graphic cards are like top-tier for a low/mid-range budget

    the 2 graphic cards are only out on their stock model and don't have aftermarket coolers (currently myself waiting for a release of an RX 480 aftermarket piece, but that will happen between end of this month and mid-august)

    but the cards seem to perform better from what i can tell

  9. there is like a little unwritten rule on retail about this where (if you invite dumb ppl and you play smart) can "legit" ninja loot stuff how it works (can be used in your advantage preventing ninja lootings)

    a player can only be punished if he actually stated the loot rules (like highest roll wins, if he said this you have legit proof of him not following the "loot-rules"), if this player did never state this because either no one asked him the loot rules or he never stated it himself, he can legit ninja loot everything, since there is NO rules proving he was doing the wrong thing.

    on retail you also sometimes see "puggers" looking for more ppl but they state something like: "[XXX] weapon is reserved" (thus whenever it drops the ppl who join the group knw they wont have a chance to get the item) this is a choise for the joiner to agree with this rule or not.

    2 people like this

  10. (taken from the post)

    #showtooltip shadowburn
    /cast Shadowburn

    what this macro does is interupting your current cast if you are not sure if you will finish the cast and cast a shadowburn, this interrupts it and uses shadowburn, in most situations casting a shadowburn is more effective then your current cast


    #showtooltip havoc
    /cast [target=focus] havoc

    it does cast a havoc on your focus, i take my off-target as focus, use this button and use incinerate/chaosbolt w/e is needed in my case (building or spending embers)

    i personally dont use more macro's then these 2 (besides a burst macro, but that speaks for itself)

  11. On 3-5-2016 at 10:13 AM, Alastor said:

    Transfering models between Expansions is nothing hard i have most of legion content already transfered all to Wotlk for example 

    are transfering textures also possible? would be awesome to have WoD/Legion textures in other previous expansions locally just like the WoD character models from this topic: 

    would love to play on those "better" textures on MoP :P

  12. 6 hours ago, MisterSofa said:

    I found a bit of bugs 

    If u have already stacks of while procs, your next casts of Incinerate doesn't consume any stack. (Chaos Bolts still takes 3 stacks at least)

    While procs, u can't use the free souls shard. If you cast spells that require a soul shard while Nightfall in on, you still pay for that SoulShard while you shouldn't! That A HUGE problem for Affly spec... (i linked the WOD version, in Pandaria the % is by 8%) 

    Could you also create a bugtracker report so i can check on them/verify them?

  13. 5 other things:

    - item upgrades are not shown (always 0/2 or 0/4 if its a siege item)
    - socket bonus is always applied according to the armory (not sure if the stats are given as bonus to the armory stat page)
    - reforge isn't shown
    - tier bonus isn't correctly shown (if you look at my chest piece you see (0/5) but it should be (1/5) and in the little armor bonus thing see the name of the items you have (including the chest in my case) in white letters
    - this is a bug thats happening since the release of making a picture of your character, as you can see my face looks orange, idk if there is even a orange option in the menu, but im 100% sure that "tatoo" is black for me ingame (maybe something to do with it taking warlords models?)


    my staff for example is supposed to have 4/4 upgrades and i ignored the socket bonus, (its a blue socket with a yellow gem right now)
    also my helmet got its crit reforged into haste but you also cant see it

  14. 4 minutes ago, VerneAsimov said:

    Charge has trouble charging to tall mobs like Immerseus (aka you can't really). I think it might count the distance to the head not the bottom of the mob.

    could you test this on the ptr? Lynix just told me after i asked about this issue that he fixed it on the ptr for testings, could you give me a feedback on it?

  15. 5 hours ago, Envious said:

    Overall, Galakras works quite fine now. The randomized composition of wave spawns seems to be gone now, all the waves have the exact composition that they should have on normal. 

    -> Bonecrushers are still a bit wonky. They should CHARGE towards a -random- faction leader, of the three that should be present and then start casting their Fracture onto them - Currently they only charge Jaina or Lor'themar. CC on them seems a bit off, since you can Fear them and sometimes stun effects don't affect them, despite no diminishing returns being present at the time of the stun hitting the mob. The Scrolling Combat Text does not grant any Feedback in terms of them being "Immune" to those stuns either. While they can be dealt with, it'd be nice to see a fix for this, so their Fracture mechanic works flawlessly, without any hickups. 

    TL;DR: Bonecrushers should charge towards a random Faction Leader and they should be immune to any kind of CC except for stuns, "grip"-effects (Death Grip, Monk's Clash ability) and knockbacks. 

    -> Aethas Sunreaver is missing for the Horde, Vereesa Windrunner for the Alliance. Furthermore, Jaina isn't casting her Blizzard ability at all, which is a mechanic in place to speed up wave clear overall. Since Aethas isn't even present for the Horde, he obviously isn't casting his Flamestrike either.

    -> Both Lieutenant General Krugruk (1st, Left Tower) and Master Cannoneer Dagryn (2nd, Right Tower) are having consistent hickups  with their respective Knockbacks (Krugruk = Arcing Smash, Dagryn = Muzzle Spray), often knockbacking players on the tower, that aren't even in the animations for either spell. Essentially, it seems like the animation and the way the bosses are facing doesn't always line up with the direction of the knockback effect. Can be REALLY annoying and cripples tower clear speed on a random basis.

    -> The Proto Drakes in the Sky with their Windreaver mobs on the back are still missing, making the overall damage-income on the Raid a great deal lower than it should be and completely negating the Turret Mechanic of the Towers, until it's actually time to shoot Galakras down. 


    Can't give much Feedback on Phase 2, but Pulsing Flames seems to be ramping up at the appropiate speed. Only Flames of Galakrond has behaved a bit wonkey, when players blink with the debuff on them (since they have to get behind the Raid's Camp, so the Orb hits as many players as possible and thus diminishes in throughput).





    this is basically nearly everything ive reported after our guild killed it, but this seems abit more detailed on some points, thanks and I'll forward this to miwo

  16. On 4-5-2016 at 11:31 AM, Abie said:

    Demonic Gateway with pathfinder : you slowly walk on the ground to the other gate instead of the fast travel in the airs.
    Pretty much useless in PvP now.

    should be fixed since a few days now right?

    and for the rest: if you see any error/problem since the most recent update (saturday morning) then please describe them in here aswell and provide screenshots of the situation/errors aswel!

  17. tested the rppm on the ptr, and i didnt rly see any flaw in the reworked system

    - i checked openers (most trinkets had a very high chance to proc as they should have after 10 minutes of no combat)
    - during the fight i noticed my trinket would randomly in between proc (so faster then the normal cooldown it was previously given) and later on in the same combat i had to wait the "normal" timer since my luck wasnt as good, but atleast i didt had to wait 3 minutes for 1 trinket proc anymore and it looked good

    as the post from blizzard describes about rppm: "it will be more random and more fun to play with" -> this is defenitly the case now :)

    GJ lynix <3

  18. 14 hours ago, VerneAsimov said:

    Others are reporting that wiping on the boss makes it impossible to try again.

    - 10 Normal

    - Wipe on boss

    we are aware of most of the gamebreaking issues and working together with the dev right now to discuss/fix the most problematic bugs. these fixes will probably be applied today in a hotfix since the boss is unable to be killed in the during state of the fight.

    keep in mind that it won't be optimized yet after the restart but hopefully it should be killable/resetable incase of a wipe

    there might also be a few fixes that haven't been fixed correction thus still bugged or bugged in another way. its just a small temporarily fix that will hopefully resolve most issues

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  19. As you might have seen/noticed PathFinding has been applied to the live servers.

    There ofcourse many bugs to this due to the lack of testings we had on the PTR.

    In this post, you can report all issues found with it, so developers can notice them and fix them, you can either test them on the PTR but also on the LIVE realms!

    If possible, add with the report one image or one video that supports your report, aswell as some description that describes how to reproduce the issue.


    Have a nice day.

  20. Just now, Tweedy said:

    Sounds like you wanted to use a non-compiled Server , yea its a bit strange to set it up. I had my self in the first time some struggles cause some programs to compile didnt worked and stuff :D but later i've found a way to compile and run it , was kinda strange , but it worked. Btw. it depends on which kind of fix u want to bring on , like scripts? Non-Compiled , database stuff a compiled one :D

    im still studying to become a programmer, i just wanted to check out what i can do, maybe teach myself some global stuff along the way while doing it on a fun way (using the game as end point) and when i can create something usefull that is currently bugged and i can work it out on my own speed i can apply the patch aswel ;)

  21. Just now, Tweedy said:

    Google / YouTube will help you , most ppl run a allready compiled Server where u just start an exe and your wow exe to connect on it.

    Otherwise download a non-compiled if you wanna try to fix scripts as example, or just run a compiled one , and try to fix things and figure out how to use the Database :D!

    as i said, tried to follow a guide, ended up with like 10 diffirent downloads needed to setup a local server with DB etc and stuff like that. evrything combined ust made my braincells commit suicide 1 by 1 cuz i couldnt see wtf i had to do anymore. (it was something a dev linked to me to guide me in the right direction, but i can understand that he didnt had too much time/wanted to waste too much time to explain everything i ahd to do in detailed steps) i tried yt/google BEFORE i asked the dev btw and it also made my brain commit suicide

  22. that's strange, then idk

    i just completely removed the launcher since i also had issues with it, i haven't touched the launcher since 1-2 after release of it and just ignored it to use my .exe which was easier/faster anw + didnt cause troubles with addons