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Posts posted by Zhalfyr

  1. On 24/01/2017 at 8:47 PM, Törpögies said:

    Problem is classes are not bugged the same . for instance  10spells fix cycle may be sufficient for monks, but not for priests.(this is just a random example).  Some classes have major bugs while others have minor. You should revise your method. This is just a suggestion, keep up the work. 

    Your idea is quite interesting, I'm gonna think about it and try to find a way to set this up with the classes getting less fixes being okay with it.

    On 24/01/2017 at 9:30 PM, forestbansh said:

    still waiting for priest spell levitate. must not be any class master since they pick 10 spells and priest hasnt had this spell since beginning 

    Actually that's in this cycle now. But I must consider the time that I'll have to spend to correct a bug. I'm taking this exemple since you mention it, at the moment, the spell is mostly working on the test realm, except sometimes the player goes under map. I estimate that it'll take quite a long time, and therefore I think I should fix 3-4 other spells instead if that takes me the same time. That's also why we don't start a cycle before ending the current one, to avoid those "complicated" bugs to be ignored.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I've seen that someone of you regret that the fixes applied to different classes seem unbalanced, so here is a little explanation of how the class development works and why it can give the impression of unfairness.

    First, in order to ensure that all classes get the same amount of fixes, we're working on cycles of 10 spells/classes. The bugs that we correct are chosen by the classes' Class Master, and they're also asked to evenly share them between all specializations.

    Since a week and a half now, we decided that one of us should focus on Honor Talents, so we'll be able to start the PvP Season which you're all waiting for.

    For the ones who may feel neglected (shadow priest to mention one). During the last cycle, I've started to work on this class and corrections I made have been applied at the end of November or beginning of December. The cycle finished at the end of December, so it's only fair that there has not been any fix before January. The current cycle isn't finished yet, the 10 fixes I will apply on priest aren't decided since the Priest Class Master couldn't be around a lot. But no worries, they will be fixed very soon.

    We also decided to reinforce the Class Master team, by having one class master per specialization which is already true for some classes. This will also prevent that if one of them go on an extended absence, it won't lead the players to think that their class if neglected. Don't hesitate to apply to the Quality Assurance/Class Master team if you can do it!

    Moving forward, we're going to make sure that bug-tracker stays up to date with the latest applied fixes, so it will be reliable for everyone. Finally, the last good news, we have three new developers that will join us during March and will be part of the team which will work on spells and classes. 

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