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Posts posted by oneknight198

  1. It is 06 OCT 2021 as I am typing this. I am trying to do the DK starting area quest "Massacre At Light's Point" but it is buggy as hell. I click on the cart to be dragged to the boats to use the cannon but the cart just stays put. I get out of the cart and mount up to the cannons but 5 of the cannons are oddly positioned and not usable. There is one that is positioned correctly and I can get inside of it to use the skills but I fire on the mobs just outside of the boat for the quest and nothing happens to them. I even tried mounting up and aggroing some to bring to the cannon to use the aoe cannon skill but they evade me once i get in the cannon. So, leveling a DK is impossible right now. Only way I can possibly move on is to boost my lvl but I'm pretty sure I need to finish all the DK starting area quests in order for things to be able to work right or whatever. So not even sure boosting toon level will work.

  2. I'm playing as a 2h frost dk because I love the feel to a 2h frost dk. Anyways, I pretty much have a good grasp on how to play the character. My only questions is which presence is more beneficial to me, frost or unholy presence or does it depend on the encounter that I'm in? Thanks

  3. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I just got lvl 80 and was trying to start the quests for mount hyjal. I'm at the normal place I'd start in Moonglade but there's  o quests anywhere. Do I pick it up from Org or somewhere else or something? What about starting quests for Vashir? Thanks