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About Samujin

Firestorm User

  • Name Kappakage
  • Class Warrior
  • Level 20
  • Realm Deathwing
  • Race Human

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  1. May have been suggest before but heirlooms are a big pricey in my opinion. 120 for the items you can buy with vote points. At about an average of 12 points a day you're looking at the least 10 days of voting for ONE item. Considering how fast you level that seems a bit out of reach in reality. I understand you can level without them. I'm doing that as we speak. However with normal drops being bugged (at least on the WoD realm, they always roll with one 1 of each stat that comes on the item) and how quickly you level it's really hard to keep any gear up to date. Trying to buy gear for new players isn't really an option. Everything on the auction house to completely out of range for a new player. Even if you buy gold with vote points you're looking at 5 to 6 days to purchase the minimum amount in which case you could level to max. I think making the at least the weapons cheaper, or even more far fetched giving them out in game for free) would make leveling a much more pleasant experience. Being level 25 and finally replacing your level 8 weapon with a 'grey' rarity item sucked lol, but higher dps is higher dps. Off topic, cheaper bags would be awesome too. Even if like 12 or 14 slot bags. Making gold starting out is mostly from all the trash that drops. If only gear dropped as much and with proper stats! Though this is more of a personal request, lack of inventory is a huge annoyance of mine. Thanks for reading.
  2. I'd personally like to this see this as well. I don't see it happening though. Sadly most private servers stick to PVP.