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About Riyami

Firestorm User

  • Name Afternoon
  • Class Warrior
  • Level 100
  • Realm Gul'dan
  • Race Human

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  1. Thanks for the comment BG's need to give 400-600 honor a win (Call to Arms rates), and 150-200 a loss, so it'd take roughly 1 hour to buy 1 piece, all in all taking 14 hours of win/loss for full honor set. This matches the current JP Farm speed of getting honor. This will only serve to balance the PvP more as the difference between Grievous and Prideful stats is huge, and wont affect players that have been gearing since the start of the season. It'll only give new players a chance to get Honor gear so they dont have to que arena with low resilience and be discouraged from the start.This isnt retail, they dont need people to stay month in month out to make money off them, the best way to have PvP players stick with the chance of them purchasing coins is to give then the ability to catch up in Conquest and Honor, but this thread is particularly about the Honor.I hope im making a strong enough argument! Its up to the admins and GM's now.
  2. My other thread was about Conquest, but i think its important to split the PvP issues into two threads, one for Honor one for Conquest so they can address both seperatley Currently it takes an estimated 11 hours to get 4000 honor from BGing expecting win/loss ratio of 50/50. The honor rate for BG's in MOP servers needs to be increased to make PvPers achieve their gear from actual PvPing. The alternative is spend roughly 16 hours doing the same dungeon for the full honor set via JP to Honor exchange. This is the simplest slolution:Apply the honor rates of "Call to Arms" to all BG's. Thats all thats needed to fix the JP farm problem.
  3. This is the solution for honor: Apply the honor rates of "Call to Arms" to all BG's. Thats all thats needed to fix the JP farm problem. This is the solution for conquest: 1500 conquest for every week in the season where 0 conquest was earned. Here is the formula. <Number of weeks passed in the season> × 1500 - <Total amount of Conquest earned this season>
  4. Hypnos, "Blizzlike or easier" isn't what were asking for and saying things like that serves to undermine what this thread is trying to achieve. Abie is 100% right. Players that start this week, or who aren't very skilled will not get the Conquest set till May. Players that aren't skilled who started in January have the full set. This is not a skill based system, as of 5.2 on retail they implemented conquest catch up to balance the PvP and encourage people to PvP. Currently it takes an estimated 11 hours to get 4000 honor from BGing expecting win/loss ratio of 50/50 just getting into a BG faster doesnt mean it gives MORE honor. The honor rate for BG's in MOP servers needs to be increased to make PvPers achieve their gear from actual PvPing. The alternative is spend roughly 26 hours doing the same dungeon for the full honor set via exchange. Were asking for fairness. One can see that (in MOP servers) forcing new players to do Temple of JP Farm over 140 times to get honor set, or get under 500 honor an hour BGing is not a system that encourages new people to play. You need ~26,000 Honor / Conquest for the full set. Players with 1800 rating + (Like me) have a much higher cap than players that arent! This only makes new players MORE unhappy with current conditions with the unblizzlike conquest system, so saying
  5. At the very least, either BG's need to give 500-600 honor a win, or JP/Honor needs to be exchanged at 500 to 500, after a month of the season. This isnt retail, they dont need people to stay month in month out to make money off them, the best way to have PvP players stick with the chance of them purchasing coins is to give then the ability to catch up in Conquest and Honor. I hope im making a strong enough argument! Its up to the admins and GM's now.
  6. Thats very strange, it deserves an implementation in one form or another, just a way to get caught up to speed conquest wise.
  7. But that's besides the point of what I was saying. I make a very valid point. So long as its more efficient to grind JP and since the gear is necessary to even try to compete, people are forced to either repeat the same instance over a hundred times, or get literally from an 1/5th to 1/8th the honor points in the same amount of time BGing, and thats assuming you win. Killing the FIRST boss of Jade Temple, which can be done in under 2 minutes from entering the instance, gives MORE Honor when converted than losing a 20 minute BG. I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up sooner since the retail system was actually introduced in MoP, if I recall correctly, patch 5.2
  8. Sorry :c
  9. 5x rates isn't Blizz like. At least increase Honor rates to 5x aswell so people can get Grievous from ACTUAL PvPing instead of doing Temple of Jade Forrest 140 times to get the set. I came back to this server and convinced 4 friends to come along too. Were more focused on PvP than PvE, all of them quit with the exception of one after discovering just how difficult and time consuming it is to grind the Honor needed for Grievous, let alone the impossibility of catching up to people who have 4 - 6+ pieces of Prideful on us. To get better gear, we need to raise our weekly cap. To raise our cap we need rating. To get rating we need better gear. It all comes full circle. Comic and I discussed this in game yesterday, and the people who hit high rating at the start of the season have caps that are over 4k every week, thats TWICE what someone who freshly dings 90, or started late will be able to get starting now. This season isn't going to end anytime soon either. So you either devote 3 months to even the playing field, or you quit. I honestly think this deserves priority in attention as its a huge flaw in the way the PvP here is structured and will only drive PvP minded players away early into joining. Here is the blue post talking about the current catch up system on retail for a character that hasn't participated in PvP http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/16952585152
  10. Can there be a system in place that allows people who start the season late to catch up on conquest? Perhaps similar to the retail system. Once you miss the first month or two its already pointless to try and push rating since everyone's going to have an immense gear advantage on you, and Grievous -> Prideful is an intense leap in stats. An alternative would be to raise the weekly cap incrimently throughout the season, from 2.2k to 3.3k to 4.4k to 5.5k etc, with each week that passes for all players so that the later someone joins the faster they can match their counterparts gearwise. The way it stands now, the strong get stronger and the weak remain weak.
  11. Hello, I was hoping there could be a system to refund an accidental purchase (when possible) without bothering the support team. A way for people (like me) who've made an accidental purchase and would like to refund it within the hour of purchase (when possible) without opening a ticket. I'm currently on my 2nd day waiting for my ticket to be responded too, and cant use my points which is a little annoying. This could save people alot of time on both sides of the fence!
  12. I agree that there should be a way for new players to catch up, but a 3x reset isn't the key, it makes gearing in PvP a tighter schedule at the start of a season and will ensure that players who dont have the time (who work, or travel etc.) to login and get cap every 2 days are punished. The solution is to to implement an increasing cap equivalent to the one on retail for weeks where you got 0 conquest. This is the smart way to do it. That, or simply increase the weekly cap to 8K for everyone, so new players can get their wep on week 1 (the biggest difference in damage), and grind pieces of honor gear/conq gear and in two weeks be on par with everyone else.