Sarah Shan

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Posts posted by Sarah Shan

  1. Your character name: Fatalisa
    Character who you're reporting: Clanker
    Realm: Sylvanas
    Date of incident: 01/08/18
    Description & Evidence:

    reported player behaved obscenely racist. not the first time and the two screens provided are just a short brief summary of his legacy.



  2. On 20.11.2017 at 11:28 AM, Edgie said:

    @Amihay still playing?

    Not still, but again ^^ Joined legion and guild like 6 weeks ago, just has to work alot and is now regular showup. Act more grown up sometimes, which is sad, but still falls back into old patterns which is appreciated and amusing. Irl, relationships and jobs surely change people, take care it does not ruin you xD. Im still as retarded as always, maybe a trait of age.

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  3. 1 hour ago, madeofsun said:

    lol okay

    so speaking bullshit is considered sarcasm nowadays


    ye, I assumed talking about totally made up exaggerated stuff like AK99 and over 9000 traits, would be enough of a hint, but thanks for teaching me that such stuff is not obvious enough.

    well in a sense that made up stuff could be declared bullshit of course, hence making tha sarcasm of my point there evident.

    But yeah you preferred to get triggered. Fine by me.

  4. 17 hours ago, madeofsun said:

    Did you send AK compendium notes on your alts or you went for 1-25 with 5 days waiting for each ? Im guessing you waited for each note else your fun would have been ruined..

    Oh sorry, I did not write in big letters SARCASM and therefor triggered you, damn I always assume people got that grain of smartness that when all I do is accumulate a bunch of hillarious and flase claims, that they get the joke in it. Ofc my humor isn't that good to make people laugh, but all I intended for was to get the obvious joke in it. Well guess I asked too much off there.

    Moreover on a more serious note, I think progression is important. Also the flipside of it. And well I underwent that progression by grinding my main to 25AK while getting my 7 alts AK 10ish in the meantime, and ofc when my main hit 25AK I passed compendiums to raise my others 10AK to 20AK before grinding those out to 25AK again... that is progression. And only because I like progression and development, I totally dont get why I should go from 1 to 25 on all alts, if the system implemented in our current server gives us the possibility to pass compendiums. Well I u can't understand my arcasm, ther is no point in me understanding yours.

    on topic:

    Honestly I get where you all coming from, and yeye maybe it would be more friendly for new players, but then again I think its not much of a deal. It is no major throwback tbh. There is so much to do before reaching, or better said while reaching AK25 on the way. Gearprogression, worldexploring, questlines etc etc. Cause in the bigger picture as soon as you hit 40 traits it does all not make such a bigg difference anymore, and most stop caring for over all AP grind compared to high end and BiS gear.

    The only good thing about your idea is, that its rly no big deal of a devs work. Just one pretag change. Imo its really not important, but yet easy to do. If it helps, go for it.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Uonlylivonce said:

    well thank you firestorm for the good time , but i can t  wait 3 months to get my 25 AK, im off to a better server

    after all this is a private server lmao

    lol your a nab, srsly im already at 45+ traits on 8 toons, and your an idiot to make everything dependant on AK... ye go to you pleb server where you get your insta AK but everything else is crap. have fun, pls never come back

  6. lol, tbh development on legion is the fastest we had so far, you cant be here long or you would know

    also atm rarely anything is getting developed for the low pop realms anyway, just look at last changelogs

    your argument is flawed and makes no real sense, no dev is working on cata, wotlk etc.

    and mop,wod are running realms, only less numbers now cause of vanilla release...

    you think it would happen faster without them? your wrong.

  7. well look, MoP declining has a different reason and so this basically is a workaound that might not solve the core problem.

    I was on MoP here over 3 years, and well did not bother to go WOD, and why? Cause WOD is a garbage expansion. Call it an opinion, I call it a fact. Look all them youtubers that do the math and research, WOD was the worst expansion, in terms of retail, so why would MoP players flee in large numbers? To go solo play their garisson in a MMORPG?

    But then Legion came, and well, everyone has his own opinion, but actually as a retail expansion its a sucess. Made me check it, and get sucked up.

    I have 10 top tier geared MoP chars with huge achievstacks and mostly full BiS gear... copied them and now dont bother logging it anymore. Im a pve player that is.

    Legion drove massive players out of MoP, like it or not.

    And ye its true that generally pvp is far better in MoP then in Legion, on retail and on Firestorm. But still, Legion is a seller.

    So baseline thats the reason for MoP struggling, add to it, that everyone knows, that Legion now is getting more Dev-love then old expansions, and there u go-



    so now to your workaround.

    Look at firestorms history on WOD and tournamentservers generally... Did id ever make the difference? Be honest, it didnt... All that happened was players going there, to grab free stuff, and later they complained so long about getting fair treatment on a merge, that they actually could keep so much stuff that the players from the mainserver got pissed. It was a big debate for nothing.


    Why dont approach that totally different:

    Why u need a whole new tournament server?

    Imo 2 better models:

    1. Catch up mechanic, like give new players more pvp gear at start, cause they else cant compete to veterans-

    2. Make it an advertised event: Let firestorm announce an event like boris, just that you get boosted char with good pvp set... no one would be left out, even ols players could profit and not be mistreated. And new players can come and have a blasting pvp experience... Insta max pvp gear. Whom would it rly hurt? No one, cause also veterans can get their char.


    still easier then making a tourna serv, maintaining it, giving it up later, merging it, dealing with all that stuff and community raging

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  8. well consider that most people rather play then test, and also testers dont get paid, they just do it as a gift to us all...

    thats why you cant expect them to find all that stuff.

    also some stuff only occurs with high numbers of players and big diversity of classes.

    Even if you let everyone go on test server, you wont see enough there to find out all stuff-

    Many things can only be found out and seen on our live realm anyway.


    I think we can be happy that Quality Assurance test so many things at all, but on a private server, you cant ask for more.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Titanii said:

    Please, never think about that again. You can't just make it Cross-Faction, idk how you think this should work out, but it won't.
    Top PvE Guilds will insult eachother (bugabusers, noobs, cheaters etc.) and the PvP Competition will be bad too, since you will see alot more Flame everywhere. 
    This is how it always ends up. Im not sure if it was this server, but they already tried to make Cross-Faction for a Realm (with Cross-Faction World Chat aswell) and it just did not end up well, i think it lasted for 2 weeks untill they decided to roll back to the NORMAL WoW Experience.


    It won't give any benefits to the Community, it will only make it worse in general. Hands down.

    Simply aint true

    Sorry but we had crossfaction in MoP here on firestorm like... forever... and it had only benefits

    More lively worldchat,

    more raids organized

    better guild competition


    Let alone some pple pref Horde races, others Ally races, and when they are friends they cant play together.

    Crossfaction in MoP was simply awesome, and even tho Legions pop is big enough to not need crossfaction, it would be undoubtly an improvement.

    I played 3 years on MoP and I can't see any downside from crossfaction, the only thing was that you had to be smarter about raiding the other factions capital or king... But thats really the only thing. Everything else, from communication over trading to raid and dungeon organisation and furthermore guildrosters, simply was better, easier and much more fun

    5 people like this

  10. 18 hours ago, Dokka said:


    After relating these facts to new players, they all decide to leave the sv, lost 4 of my friends too.

    Funny how you quoted me and claiming that you made "serious suggestions" and im bitching and only trying to make a point againt 10% of what you said, tho I only debunked/refuted your core argument and wanted to sarcastically point out that it lacks common sense,

    but here you now not only have to "UP" bump your topic that is too boring for people to contribute in the "right way" which ofc can't be arguing against you, it should of course be no discussion, cause the only fair and gentleman like thing would be to totally agree with everything you say. Rather it only catches bitches like me- xD


    But ofc you are totally objective and not at all bitching around by claiming that people leave the server because of "your facts"... Come on, be serious, its pathetic to push a narrative by making an underline comment like: "Oh ye, you dont take me serious? Ha! See actually people are leaving the server, take that!"

    Don't be childish, its all I ask for.

  11. well 100% blizlike is a bad argument to come up with, since the realm has XP gain modifiers, a loyalitay system etc... sou ofc you wanna benefit from lvling faster but you dont like the sytem they did for 3rd trait? well tbh I had 3rd relic reasonably fast without any AK from shop- and as soon as you got one charwith high AK you can pass it down to your alts.

    You get your legendary weapons from a npc by talking with it, you got 3x XP on legion, all you need for 3rd relic slot is to grind few Aps and yet you complain?

  12. I suggest that as someone new to wow, go right out Legion- you will get the most out of it, have most content(in terms of overall) and currently its on developments priority... the older expansians, are more for nostalgics and ppl liking certain content/caps/expansion. Of course an honorable mention is the MoP expansion, since its the one with the longest development cyle on firestorm, therefor being the most stable/balanced/scripted whatsoever realm.

    but as someone new, rly youl probably wont regret going only Legion, its the newest expansion and will get the most love from staff within the next year.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Alessandra said:

    well  i feel discriminated now.


    I just wanted to check something on my oöd stuff in mop and wod.... then i wanna go for legion to raid EN again and baaaam.

    insta server discriminated. Firestorm build the wall faster then Trump.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Don't really think i have asked what expansion you play not like i do care. i was talking in general.

    the amount of "you" that you used in the foregoing post made me feel adressed like being "one of those ppl from that server that complain, etc." . English is not so precise on that side so I maybe misinterpreted that, could not get you were speaking in general. Not like I do care either, but just for clarification and to underline I did not want to trigger you.

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    You compare apples with oranges. You talk about 2 diffrent servers with complete diffrent expansions.

    No I was not, in that certain example, as far as the argument of this merge is going,  I was comparing WoD pve and WoD tournament, tho calling one "main" and the other "fun"

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

     People play on private servers, because a) they don't want to pay for pixels or b) do not have the time or maybe the money for it.

    Like where does this come from? I never talked about retail so why try to explain me private servers? Hello? I am here since buggashan, I know why I am here and probably most others. Thats a total invalid point you made up there and just cause I feel like itm don't mention "they don't want to pay for pixels" in that context. Since it might apply to you, and many others, but there are almost teh same amount of people here using the cash shop, donations and VIP, which is technically also paying for pixels. It is voluntary and not a subscription like retail, but still its not a case sensitive argument , if someone likes to "talk in general".

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Plus i do not like the name "fun realm" Tournament isn't a fun realm it's an arena realm. And thats a big diffrence. If it was a fun realm, then we would have to farm stuff instead we would have gotten everything for free which is defenitely not the case.

    You don't like the term funrealm, cause theres truth to it.

    1) Firestorm advertised their tournament realm as the "fun realm"... go check the old stuff in forum, the term is clearly there, used by staff in the first place

    2) arena realm, yeah like technically its an arena or tournament realm, but if theres nothing about it that makes it easier why bother having one anyway? If it was just about the arena and pvp and not about the fun and the easyness, why not play on the pve realm? Ofc you went there for the easy stuff too...

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    As i already have mentioned 100x. Tournament was always connected to other pve realms. Means we always played vs other realms in Bg's and Arenas. So the advantage over them was always there

    Yes in pvp the advantage was there, which was already a joke for itself when you think about it. But the pve/content/rng/mog/mountfarm wasn't

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Means if they merge it wouldn't change anything.

    Well thats a blatant lie... you could say it would almost ahve no impact, or the change would not be a big one... but saying it would not change anything is either a lie or lack of empathy and seeing things from other peoples perspective

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Instead we would get a bigger realm, have it easier to find groups etc.

    See, there you have a change, ofc one that is beneficial for everyone and only has advantages to it. But then again, I never said anything against that, so I see that argument invalid since I never gave you reason to debate that. I never said it would have only downsides, I said there are reasons to question fairness.

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Also i already have mentioned in my thread how to solve this problem is there is certain players crying about it. I'd suggest you do read my entire thread before giving commentating.

    Oh yeah so what? Omg you are really triggered...

    1) I have read your entire thread

    2) I don`t agree that your suggestion are fair, since I have a different opinion from yours, its freedom of speech

    3) Only because you "mentioned how to solve this problem" does not mean that its the best solution and other must see it as true and best way

    4) Don`t imply that I am being ignorant, since I go down on every argument of yours with just a contrary opinion ( which is not more right than yours) when on the other side you give more reason to be thought ignorant of because

    a) you seem to not understand why other "pve-realm" palyers feel it would be unfair to grant you all benefits*

    * I said initially that it would be unfair for tournament players to loose their chars and that the only fair way would be seperation, I see your side too, I just see the bigger picture too

    b) you think your solution is the best without even doubting it... (blablabla i gave solutions... blabla you better read before talking... blabal) = sounds like shush nab you dont know nothing john snow

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    And it will stay like this. Nothing does change for Gul'Dan if we merge. The advantage over them always existed as i already have mentioned in my previous answer.

    Only in pvp, not in pve, and competetive view on rng

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    But if you want to talk about fairness:

    Most of PvE Raids do not work on Tournament but does on Gul'dan

    PvE Events are useless on Tournament because the raids do not work and most of stuff is useless in pvp anyway

    Ashran doesn't work for us either, but does for Gul'dan

    and see there you play the victim card. You choose tournament realm, and heck I still say you chose the fun-easymode realm and should not complain.

    You will get aaaaaall the good stuff from pve realm now, haha, but ofc you wan't all the good stuff from your tournament realm too ontop... seems so fair -.-

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    On Gul'Dan you get r1 glad for beeing 2.100 in 3v3 on Tournament you need at least 2.500 rating for r1 glad

    So what? I don't see the big deal about this thing tbh. but yeah another beneficial improvement you will get from the merge then I guess

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Gul'Dan player had the oppertunity to transfer to Sylvanas, we from Tournament didn't.

    Ofc not, since your Tournament players or how I like to call it the funrealmers, and GulDan players had normal pve progression and rng... The Sylvanas ppl also would not like the funrealm players, since pve progression, competition and rng elements way heavy on pve servers. I get that you pvp players think only pvp is competition, but it all just depends on the viewpoint believe me.

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

     I can keep going if you wanna discuss about something beeing unfair.

    Sure mate, I am there for you, this is fun. But we have some argumentational flaws there. I mean not yours but simply both of us since some things are non debatable,

    1) I discuss the unfairness of your solutions on the future of the merge

    2) you mention as answer mostly unfairness before said merge. Where again you yourself said, everyone had the freedom to choose, So you should not bring up anything that was unfair in the past, since you chose tournament realm,

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Benifit was always there, so your point is invalid.

    No I disagree. Only sharing pvp does not mean that the benefits played out in every way of possible aspect. I think I stated that enough. So ofc the benefit from the perspective of a rng-pve-mog/mount/achiev-guldan player was not always there in the way it will be now

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    Once again. You seem to not understand. The only drawback im agreeing with is reseting gold and remove things you could obtain with gold. Everything else should stay. since we earned it, either from events/honor/conquest or what so ever.

    Haha, well I do understand that you only agree on drawbacks that no one cares for. And that I am not the only one to think that everything else should not stay. Since you did not earn everything of that as hard as pve server players did there. Im just generalizing. Ofc some things maybe the same, others might even be harder to get on tournament... but there are things that are far easier to get there, so you should not keept those imo.

    Again ofc I understand, I just don't share your opinion. Because its not a global fact, it is just an opinion, You got an opinion, I got an opinion... hell opinions are like buttholes, everyone got one.

    1 hour ago, Cara said:


    ... ^^         ...this... ...I am moved to tears... after so many warwaging arguments... finally we could find an agreement... I am moved. Just kidding, but to give you that: Your actually one of the better people to debate with, since you do detailed argumentation and deliver on your opinion. I value people that can argument and express them self.

    1 hour ago, Cara said:

    We should try to make the best out of it, nothing else we can really do here.

    The best for Tournament realm players?

    The best for pve realm players?

    The best for both?

    ...sry but I could not resist.



    Anyway... at some point we will never compromise in our arguments, just think about the perspective of the other side.

    Also yea I think this whole debate, even the whole thread is meaningless since everything is already decided and usually the staff does not react to things like this.

    ANd yeah, if things happen how they seem to da atm, I feel that tournament players are getting betrayed, dumped and practically treated bad. They get the short end of the stick. I am sorry for you guys.

    I just don't think your solution is the best either, I think some more agreements should be made.

    And yeah I thin most stuff you tournament guys got easymode for free (im exagurrating this) won't even be of a big deal later on anyway, cuz who cares about some 70ish players that got like 3 more mogs than the average guldaner, since the true mogfarmers will have more stuff anyway and heck they could even do raids you guys could not and stuff.

    If I would be the one making the decision, I would probably let you guys keep everything, just because I would not want the work to do something else. Easy mode: just dump em all together, after 2 weeks no one cares anyway,

    BUt well I was here for the debate and because I understand the perspective of the guldan players.



    PEACE OUT xD *drops mic"

  15. Just now, Cara said:

    We get things easier because we decided to play on tournament you guys decided to play on pve realm so you already knew it will be harder to get stuff. Why still complaining then? Really questionably.

    No imo your view is the questionable one.

    1. I dont play WoD, I am strictly into MoP and legion, just here for my general opinion on stuff like that

    2. You argue that everyone had the opportunity to play tounament, so now they should deal with your unfair advantage.... In contrary I could say: Everyone had the opportunity to play blizzlie and if you decide(d) to play on a fun realm instead you don't have any right to complain about things being more in focus of staff on pve realm. Also not that pve is the more important pillar of WoD and therefore players are favoured more there, You chose a fun realm, it was only for fun- it was not the serious one ( haha serious mmorpg get it) xD

    3, You say it is always the main servers pülayers that complain... well a) atm you complain about the outcome b)from their point of view they have a reason

    4) Finally you repeat your first argument by saying those who decided to play on pve realm knew it will be harder to get stuff. Yea thats the piint, they chose the hard and stoney path and want it to stay like that for all on their side. Equality... no privileges... fairness? Questionable? why that?


    To conclude:

    I get the feeling you endorse the merge but want to get the best of it, Imo thats far more questionable...

    As i see it, there would be only 3 really fair to the bottom solutions:

    a) merge, but strip you from the benefits you got (but that would be too much work in terms of coding)

    b) merge but either compensate the mainrealms base, or give fun realm players a drawback or disadvantage (the second being the easierto do tbh)

    c) not merge at all


    And if you really would be about fairness you probably favour the idea or the opinion to not merge at all at least... But the attitude that you want the merge but only with all benefits from it... well speaking about questionability.