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Posts posted by Enrico

  1. 13 hours ago, MiWo said:

    I've also been reported that sometimes, all the weapons from the first conveyor aren't sent on the 2nd conveyor, but I've been unable to reproduce this bug even after a long try on PTR, so if you've seen this bug, it could be very helpful for me to have more details, like : which weapons were on the line that failed, which weapon(s) didn't pass on the second conveyor, did a weapon has been destroyed (and which one), is the problem happening always on the same line of weapons or is it random, and so on.


    Yes MiWo, u're right, randomly not all the weapons from the first conveyor are sent on the 2nd conveyor:

    See on the first conveyor there are : Electromagnet, Shockwave Missile Turret and Crawler Mine, but on the 2nd conveyor there are only Shockwave Missile Turret and a strange gun(?), so the Electromagnet is missing and idk where the mines are over lol.


    Here u can see Shockwave Missile Turret, Crawler Mine and Laser Turret, but  on the 2nd conveyor there are only Shockwave Missile Turret and Laser Turret, so the Crawler Mines are missing.


    The bug is completely random, I could not find a criterion

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