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Posts posted by Ardonion

  1. If you mean the same Prophecy that was on Grommash WOD, then the only thing they RP is that they pretend to be the best PvE players on the realm.

    Celedia (Horde) / Morniel (Alliance) here, long-term RPer. I would be glad to meet any and all RPers in-game, feel free to add me and whisper me whenever you see me online :)

  2. Your character name: Taurian
    Character who you're reporting: Juniara
    Realm: Gul'Dan
    Date of incident: 12/17/16
    Description & Evidence:

    Juniara was trying to sell me gold in exchange for real money over pandashangolds.


    Pro-tip: if you want people to donate for Firestorm points instead of buying gold over such parasites as this one, either shut them down or (if that is not possible) make sure you have a better exchange rate than they do. A few months of that might cause them to close shop permanently.

  3. Character name: Rapidmastedk

    Date of incident: 12.4.2016

    Description of the incident: The player Rapidmastedk began by raging about the assumed incompetence of Alliance players on RBG. He proceeded to insult with vast overreactions and assumptions, to which several people have told him repeatedly to stop. I gave him one final warning to stop or I'll file a report. He then proceeded to whisper me, basically daring me to do it, and then replied something that, if there is a meaning in that lack of grammar, was meant to be a threat to report me for speedhacking in BGs - except I haven't done a single BG on any character since I played on Pandashan and later Ashran (and the only speed boosts I have are Aspect of the Pack and one of the items which has a slight increase to the Speed sub-stat added in WoD).

    This is an obvious violation of the Player Code of Conduct, Section III, paragraph 3, and depending on whether or not all players with Alliance characters count as a group which can be discriminated against, also paragraph 1 under the same section.

    Evidence: (4 screenshots)

  4. Character name: Kolley

    Date of incident: 4.4.2016

    Description of the incident: The player Kolley insulted me for absolutely no reason, telling me to "suck a dickhead", and when I asked if they were sure they want to say that, they continued to make fun of me and then kill me while I was typing.

    This is a clear violation of the Player's Code of Conduct, Section III, Paragraph 3. Not to mention being rude and childish to boot.

    Evidence: (2 SCs)

  5. Character name: Acidtabz

    Date of incident: 29.3.2016

    Description of the incident: Acidtabz made a guild advert to which Unchanged replied something in what I assume is Czech or Slovakian, and I reminded the latter that /world is supposed to be English-only. After a short exchange of stupid comments regarding /world being /4, Acidtabz called me a retard merely for stating the obvious. I have warned him to stop. He however did not take me seriously and continued to make stereotypical misogynistic comments, which are not only insulting, but also infuriating.

    This is a violation of Player Code of Conduct, Section III, Paragraph 3, as well as Paragraph 1 (though gender isn't explicitly mentioned in the rule, I am rather certain it ought to apply, considering that is the case with discriminations in most legislations)

    Evidence: (8 screenshots)

  6. Character name: Antarés


    Date of incident: 27.3.2016


    Description of the incident: The user Antarés started the issue by calling the server bad, as well as people who play on it. I inquired as to why said user would then play on this "shitty," as he said, private server, if that was indeed their opinion. Antarés replied by calling the players on Firestorm "inbred", "stupid" and "poor fucks", as well as suggesting to at least one person they should kill themselves.

    This is a clear and utter violation of the Player Code of Conduct, Section III, Paragraph 3, and (depending on your interpretation) also Paragraphs 1 and 5 under the same section.


    Evidence: (8 pics of the dialogue, but I'm sure GMs can search-read everything he wrote anyway)

  7. I'm interested in RP. I play on Grommash and have several character, both Alliance and Horde, including one lv100.

    As there has been no info on any Grommash-based RP guilds, I am considering making one myself. Anyone interested please contact me in-game on either Celedia (Horde) or Thorion (Alliance).

  8. Character Name: Stormiks & Grotto (The last O is that Scandinavian O with a / over it)

    Date of Incident: 19th of November 2015
    Description of Incident: advertising another WoD server. After some questioning, Grotto revealed that they work for "ADS Team" who pay them to advertise these servers, and that they are trying to start a new server by taking players from other private servers. These players have been known to make new characters and accounts, so if you intend to ban them, both account ban and IP ban will be necessary.

  9. Character Name: Mirmúr, Rozgar, Lastdeath

    Date of Incident: 19th of November 2015
    Description of Incident: Claiming terrorists will always win, that Paris getting bombed was right, threatening new bombings, openly supporting Islamic aggression etc. If this was meant as a joke or trolling, it is in incredibly bad taste and hurtful towards any and all people who lost friends and loved ones in that sad event. If it was meant seriously however, it is a very problematic threat.
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