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Posts posted by uglyboy

  1. yea like fix all the bug advantaged classes... the entire arena ladder is dominated by mages , druids , death knights , paladins and mages... compromised mostly of damage bugs and movement bugs. i have seen things like extra damage ticks per sec in the combat log along with many others like you posted

    Just look at the arena ladder, pathetic

    In Mop Warrior healer was the most dominate and there were teams like rouge mage... not here tho on this garbage buged version of mop pvp

    warlocks and rouges are non existent , warriors and priest are hardly there either as well as shamans and monks... garbage server were half the classes cant expect to compete in PVP arena.  Funny tho that a BM hunter was #1 just last week so your post is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.


  2. There is a reason that  the top 15 are all UH death knights , resto druids, ret paladins, mages and hunters, in fact they dominate the top 30 ...very un mop like unless all the best players only play those classes... yea right.  there is one shaman , one warrior  and  a monk , everything else in the top 30 are All classes stated above... Damage bugs are a hard thing to post as its not an obvious glitch aside from the actual un realistic hits and damage done that was not in MOP for those classes.  there are a number of screen shots around that show this but as stated the server cares not.. If you actually played in MOP this would be Obvious.

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  3. yea there is a hunter bug that a few exploit that somehow ignores resilience and or, armour ... they dont care and thats why there are so many hunter.

    i saw an hunter with a focus hack as well do almost 40 mil damage in a 12 minute BG a few days ago... yea they dont care about the multiple illegal MODs and hacks as well

    And you are right about the mages ... crazy damage that was not in mop 

    There is a palaidin bug and DK bug as well thay they have never fixed that gives them burst damage when they are not even bursting.... shitty server that wont fix the problem or punish people .

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  4. second wind is bugged 

    at full pvp geared i heal for around 6k

    i guess if i had 200k health that would be right but i have 574k

    do the math

    there are some videos online regarding this server proving my point that it is healing for way less and should be at least around 12k as in real mop it was sometimes around 15k

    If you wont fix hunter damage bugs can you at least fix this? it is a pretty major bug and has been here from the start

  5. wow good job on the fixes there at fireshit server

    you did a bug fix for fury warriors on single minded fury... bravo meanwhile you leave the hunter damage bugs alone ?

    100k power shots and 100-150k chimera shots

    #1 2v2 arena is a hunter and there are 4 in the top 10 and NO warriors ... yea sounds like MOP lol

    this server is complete shit and has a terrible rep online because of the gay owners not fixing hunters

    this is a very unmop like server for pvp.... 

    hope you lose biz and go offline you shit server

  6. so you lovely people at firestorm claim to have fixed the hunters damage bug !!! yea i noticed BM is fixed but i continues to get hit by hunter abiliaties like chimera shot and explosive shot for way more then they should... 100 k chimera shot while in D stance... realy and another 80k with shield wall up

    if you have any idea what MOP hunters damage does you know thats still 2 times what it should be

    fixit you wonderful people ,,, its been over 7 months now

    2 people like this

  7. so you -snip- at firestorm claim to have fixed the hunters damage bug !!! yea i noticed BM is fixed but i continues to get hit by hunter abiliaties like chimera shot and explosive shot for way more then they should... 100 k chimera shot while in D stance... realy and another 80k with shield wall up

    if you -snip- have any idea what MOP hunters damage does you know thats still 2 times what it should be

    fixit you -snip idiots ,,, its been over 7 months now

  8. its not just BM hunters, its a pvp bug that effects them all

    i have been hit with 135k chimera shots and 80k arcane shots , and 85k kill commands in D stance with plate on, just now got hit with a 45k kill shot in D stance with plate on and with die by the sword up

    and bite ? why is that low damage auto pet ability hitting me for 45K in plate and in D stance

    great fun on this fireshit server huh.

    its seems to be only certain hunters too, so they obviously know some pvp bug that this shit hole server hasent fixed in over 6 months

    most are well known regular players.

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  9. so hey fucktard... i mean you Enrico, are you going to pvp instance test this and fix the game or leave your class in god mod as you seem to like it

    just got hit with a kill shot of 130k while in D stance and with shield wall up... you know thats bugged.

    kill command is armor mitigated. im in plate and while in D stance and shield wall up it hit for 35k

    also seeing ghost damage from the devilsaur as the damage done dosent add up 

    also got hit with a 150k chimera shot while in D stance

    i could go on

    you know that is not MOP like 

    fix it or stop calling yourself the class master ya retard 

  10. so hey fucktard... i mean you Enrico, are you going to pvp instance test this and fix the game or leave your class in god mod as you seem to like it

    just got hit with a kill shot of 130k while in D stance and with shield wall up... you know thats bugged.

    kill command is armor mitigated. im in plate and while in D stance and shield wall up it hit for 35k

    also got hit with a 150k chimera shot while in D stance

    i could go on

    you know that is not MOP like 

    fix it or stop calling yourself the class master ya retard 

  11. What you really need to do MR class master is put your math aside and realize that

    A. the pet makes a difference ....The devilsaur pet is totally bugged and ALL

    the hunter bug abusers use it.

    B. the data codes for damage can work different in pvp instances... i see it all the time 

    so.... C. do your test in a pvp instance with the Devilsaur 

    Every one on the server knows BM is bugged in pvp instances except it seems you

  12. okay well ill give you the right of way on this then , you are probably right being that it is only a handful of hunters that are doing this.

    that being said , damage is done on server side so aside from a the no global cool down hack what do you think it would be ?

    i have seen a few other classes do some insane defy the math damage , one warrior with no global. unfortunately i think BM hunter is the class of choice and they are mostly on my team so its hard to get a damage log

  13. fix the damn 1st tier charge bugg, double time often dosent work in battle grounds and the others are bugged sometimes too. 

    holy shit this has been an issue for a few months and nothing... any idea how frustrating it is not having your first talent tier work ?

    you are taking money from people fix this game changing thing

  14. okay class master you are punching up a bunch of data math but, that dosent mean that thats how it actually works on the server.

    the bottom line is that kill command is ignoring armour and other damage mitigations , why dont you test it in a BG and show us the results because, we that play the game already know. Kill command is hitting for up to 3 times the damage it did in real MOP and even many hunters on the server admit it.  Further more the devilsaur is totally bugged dealing more damage then it should and almost non CCable .

    there is a reason why 90% of the hunters are all BM on this server and most all have the devilsaur.

    i certainly hope you are not just making simple easy justifications denying there is a major damage bugg because it effects your main class.

  15. so what is your kill command hitting for ? is it bypassing armour ? its not suppose to as its physical damage.

    people are getting hit for 160k from that in full pvp gear

    also have you tried the devilsaur pet ? 

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  16. yea i posted about BM hunters in the MOP pvp forum ... seems that firestorm cares not.. random BGs are infested with them 

    doing 2-3 times more damage then other well played full geared players.   there is only so much damage a class and spec can do based on rotation and burst cool downs... simple data math. BM does waaayyy more damage then it is suppose to and yea that DIno pet is super bugged. 

    i witnessed a 500 k health grievous geared BM do 1.8 mil damage in a very short 4 cap AB on my team. its wrecking the fun of pvp

  17. So exactly when do you think this server will get around to fixing the Hunter BM damage bug ?

    its a rampant occurrence in BGs and its ruining peoples fun.

    just today an alliance hunter on my team in grievous gear did 18 mil damage against a mostly full geared team 

    double the damage of any other full geared player