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Posts posted by TitanFurryWf

  1. 1 minute ago, lover said:

    1-make role

    2- i wait like 15 / 20 minute

    3-  accept Request

    4-then they banned me from party .. is my story

    i need do my best but i cant my DMG is so bad :/ i hope they fix Warlock  for Pve players

    Greetings lover, I have seen another case of a player (warlock) getting kicked from groups and i still cant understand why people do this but is better if you get kicked rather than stay with a group of people that will end up quitting anyway.


    Trial forum mod Titan.

    2 people like this

  2. 10 hours ago, bsefan said:

    Title: A Taste of Iron - For the love of God do something please.

    Type: In-game


    Same old stuff: Click on the 'Worldbreaker Side Turret', it dissapears, you cannot complete the quest, no Garrison for you. For the love of God, please...

    Please let the quest A Taste of Iron autocomplete or fix it or anything. I know legion has Class Halls and whatnot but people want the Garrison, myself included. I know this is not a priority so that's why I ask you to let it autocomplete. should be easy enough. 

    Problem is that the cannon(Worldbreaker Side Turret) you need to shoot so you can kill 200 orcs DESPAWNS. And so I and many others cannot complete it. This has been reported sooo many times now. Please for heaven's sake do something about it. The oldest report I've seen was in September 2016...that was 6 MONTHS ago....HALF A YEAR AGO.

    I repeat, I KNOW THIS IS NOT A PRIORITY BUT! Let it autocomplete at least...until it gets properly fixed...if ever...

    Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!

    Do something about it...:(


    Greetings bsefan, Spamming "please" on your post wont make devs fix it faster, If its reported in the bugtracker ill will be fixed sooner or later.

    Will be marking this as invalid since its not really a suggestion, Have a nice day.


    Trial forum mod Titan.

  3. 4 minutes ago, KevinKooL said:

    Your character name: KevinKooL
    Character who you're reporting: whooami
    Realm: Sylvanas
    Date of incident: 02/18/17
    Description & Evidence:


    he is bug with his professional skills.Spam in arena


    Hello KevinKooL, I usually dont attend player reports but ill be marking this as invalid due to not presenting the correct evidence, If you have screenshots/videos of the player you want to report it will be investigated.

    Regards, Titan (trial forum mod)

  4. 21 hours ago, Dxvid21 said:

    And who's the Class Master?, he's doing nothing already, and he can't answer the forum either?, how is he even considering the players oppinion?, this is so stupid.

    Hello again Dxvod21, I dont remember who's the class master but applications are open for everyone who is skilled enough/has good knowledge about their classes so if you wish to help devs with fixing classes issues feel free to apply (this goes for everyone).

    Regards, Titan (trial forum mod)

  5. Hello guys, While i do agree with shadow priests and priests in general need more fixes (trust me i want to use my shadow priest more but cant because s2m doesnt work) we have to wait for Devs to fix this issues with help of the respective class CM, Just be patient and it will be fixed eventually.


    Titan (trial forum mod)

  6. 4 minutes ago, stoi4o said:

    Sorry for the the question if it is stupid i am new to this game BUT IS THERE A WAY TO FIND OUT WHEN  Poseidus Wll spawn again and is he spanting at server reset

    Hello stoi4o, No there is no way to know when a rare mob will spawn again but everything respawns when server crashes/respawns, Alternatively you can buy it on the auction house like i did,

    Regards, Titan (trial forum mod)

  7. Hello blaze2fire, Our devs are working on it but at the moment they are working on fixing world quests which are arriving soon and artifact weapon quests but dont worry, It will come soon, Locking / moving this due to not being a suggestion.

    Regards - Titan (trial forum mod) 

    Have a nice day

  8. 4 hours ago, Sagrath said:

    Title: Tanks

    Type: In-game


    Well the the healer nerfs, dungeons boost are nice and shortening the bug list but tanks slowly wont be able to keep it up (and mystics are coming). It would be nice to see some fixes on tank spcializations (Ignore pain for warriors, brew cd reductions for monks etc etc)

    Not to mention some defensive spec class in PvP It feels like figthing oponents with 20lvl higher when im entering arena or BG with for example my guardian druid or vengeance DH


    Hello Sagrath,

    Our devs are working on fixing this issues you just have to be patient, Ill be locking this due to not being a suggestion and moving to invalid, Have a nice day.

    Regards, Titan (Trial forum mod)

  9. 4 hours ago, kihoko said:

    Title: firestormgolds

    Type: Shop


    Hello,i don t know if it is the right category to submit this suggestion but i will try...2 days ago i have found an email in mailbox from one site called firestormgolds...This site hasn t any mounts or any special opportunity but the gold is much cheaper and i would like to buy some golds from this site...But there is one problem because i don t know if this site belongs to FIRESTORM or if it is just fake...And i don t want to be scamed.May you inform me about this site...i´ll appreciate it :) 


    Best wishes 



    not a suggestion and that site is a scam,doesnt have anything to do with firestorm and those kind of sites are present on every game,they're mostly to hack accounts of players that fall in that kind of things 

  10. 1 minute ago, SwizzBeatz said:

    Why would they merge blizzlike realm and fun realm(where you have vendors for ever transmog,legendary,chalenge mod mogs,mounts and pets.).This would be unfair to the blizzlike realm population not the fun realm one......personal opinion.(been farming the legendary bow on my hunt for years and in the fun realm you get it almost for free......)

    you dont get legendaries almost for free,you still have to grind for them but instead of grinding in pve you do it in pvp by getting arena ratings and arena points as well to be able to buy them

  11. if for some reason we do end up losing tournament to merge with gul'dan i strongly agree with what you say,tournament is very much closed from gul'dan or for that matter when you get something that is supposed to be account-wide but ends up only there due to restrainings (big example of this are mounts,i understand the heirlooms part because everyone went there in the past just to get em),i really dont like how tournament feels very much cut off from the rest,it'd be nice if instead of looking for a merge to improve tournament and the staff to listen  to what the community wants unlike,just like you said,1 person deciding for everyone,while i do agree that "isnt fair" to transfer from tournament to legion they should've made a restriction to be able to transfer your chars there,for example "have x time played on your char and it will be able to be transfered" 

  12. Title: Various pets added to shop

    Type: Shop


    hello its me again with another suggestion about pets,some time ago i suggested http://www.wowhead.com/item=128427/murkidan to be added to the shop HOWEVER i forgot to mention the missing murloc pets that we dont have in the shop,which are:



    and as for other non-murloc pets i wanted to suggest are:

    http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71163/unborn-valkyr (wanted to specially suggest this one since i went looking in all their respawn places but they appear as hostile and cant battle them)

    Edit:you can get them in Legion but not in WoD

    http://www.wowhead.com/item=128423/zeradar (which is a pet that comes with http://www.wowhead.com/item=100870/murkimus-tyrannical-spear but we only have murkimus in the shop)


  13. 21 minutes ago, DrSandwich said:

    They didn't fail, lol. I do them everytime and they work.

    There seems to be a big misunderstanding in this topic.

    i didnt say you failed,i was refering to what the other guy said,that's why i quoted what he said 

  14. 14 hours ago, Blue said:

    The first 3 questlines as first 3 chapters? if u mean that then your wrong. Only the first questline worked find the rest failed(besides the last one)

    yeah the 3 archdruid questlines (like the first 3 chapters/questlines) are working,if they failed to you then you must be doing something wrong,we have a guide on how to do the quests in the tutorials section made by @Sketter and will continue whenever we have more quests available 

    1 person likes this

  15. also people stop confusing bugs with not script,bug means that something got broken and its no longer working as it should,not scripted yet means that it straight up isnt working yet due to it not being developed yet or in the live realms (example of this: "firelands in legion is bugged",there are 2 bosses in there BUT they're bugged since they aren't working as they should and drops arent as they should,the rest of the raid isnt bugged,it isnt scripted yet except for those fire birds which ARE bugged) i hope i kinda made this clear 

  16. 5 hours ago, Blue said:

    agreed. im having trouble with lots of the quests for legion too. like azsuna is so bugged up, i cant do my class order hall missions due to the in a blink of an eye glitch and all kinds of stuff

    that's because only azsuna and val'sharah (the 3 first questlines) are working,for the rest (including prof quests,order hall quests,etc) arent working yet  

  17. this isnt a suggestion,you could've posted this on general discussion but answering your question sometimes there are "clipping" issues (i always forget the right word for this) which causes you to be invisible,in that case simply abandon the bg and try again