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Posts posted by TitanFurryWf

  1. 4 hours ago, Zanniez said:

    Title: Deleting member post.

    Type: Forums


    It could be kind that when you delete legitimate, polite and relevant post from a member to let him know why..


    Greetings Zanniez, If you search for a bit in the forums there is a post explaining why your post got removed, Just in case it is this one:

    I will move this to declined since it is not technically a suggestion.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  2. 6 hours ago, Bumbac said:

    Title: Quest Return to the Grove

    Type: In-game


    I am waiting like 6 hours for solve this problem and nobody can help and im pissed off. I have in Val'Sharah quest return to the grove when i come to the place where must be a Malfurion , Malfurion isn't here so can someone help me i try abandon restarting game and nothing help



    Greetings bumbac, I will mark this as declined since it is not a suggestion, If you see things like this please report them at the bugtracker and it will be taken care of, But to answer your problem try deleting cache from your wow folder and try again.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  3. 11 hours ago, Meytryx said:

    Title: Legion arena Soloque

    Type: In-game


    This is an option similar to 1v1 rated arenas suggestion. It makes players not having to wait for their arena partners and being able to push their rating on their own. Soloque is also discussed on the official servers hopefully to be implemented soon. How it would work is that player would join the arena soloque option without being in a party. I think players should have an option to choose a comp they want to play, so that it is actually viable and they are not gonna lose because of playing nonsense composition. So lets say they would have to tick 6 classes (out of 12 possible on Legion) they are looking for before queing for the arena. This would prevent them from playing weak combos and also creating premade groups which soloque shouldn't be about. If there were players trying to wintrade their soloque rating by joining arenas with premade group in the morning when there are not many players queing, it might be considerable to reduce the q time to for example 17:00- 22:00 every day.

    These are just suggestions and ideas. Feel free to comment and discuss on all the suggestion topics I posted today. If you made it there, thx for reading.


    Greetings Meytryx, This was already suggested to blizzard and they said that this kind of thing would be hard to do so it is not going to happen any time soon but probably in the future, Which means that we can not do this, So i will have to mark this as declined.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Lukyno56SK said:

    Title: Install problem

    Type: Launcher


    https://ctrlv.cz/RqvW look help me please i dont know how to fix this i downloaded the full legion version 


    Greetings Lukyno56SK, Please post any issues you have in the technical support sub forum as this section is for suggestions of items or content that people might want added on the server, I will mark this as declined since it is not a suggestion.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  5. 6 hours ago, Eternalbeing said:

    Title: Offensive nicknames-first offense

    Type: In-game


    The so called "first offense" punishment should be changed in all cases since it's too soft.The game should automatically prevent players from creating characters,naming pets,naming guilds and arena teams with offensive words or suspend their account for a period automatically after creation.If none of the 2 options are possible,then a gm(who doesn't pretend they dind't see it) should suspend the account as soon as they see it or as soon as a player reports it,because it is assumed that players had read the rules before started playing and if they didn't,common sense(something which many lack) should tell them it's inappropriate.


    Greetings again Eternalbeing, I showed this to 1 of the administrators and he told me that this probably will not happen so i will mark this as declined, However as i mentioned before if you see anyone with innapropiate names or things of the sort feel free to report them here in the forums and it will be taken care of.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  6. 1 hour ago, coolman24sand said:

    Title: Make a vanilla wow server!

    Type: In-game


    I think a vanila server could be a good idea because people can enjoy lvling and doing old raids + getting legendaries like thunderfury and sulfas + the staff of ateish!


    Greetings coolman24sand, I will mark this as declined because Firestorm already had the idea to do this in the past and then decided to make a tbc realm and you probably know how that ended, While there are items that can not be obtained from vanilla anymore there is no need for a vanilla realm since the game is better than it was back then anyways.


    Forum moderator Titan.

    1 person likes this

  7. 1 hour ago, Metzi said:

    Nice! And the question which might be a bit offtopic but, is any artifact hidden appearance scripted for locks ? I was looking for certain npc's but couldnt find any... 

    Greetings Metzi, Sadly the only "easier" hidden one to get is demonology which only requires you to farm mobs at faronaar, I already tried to do this but the mobs that should drop the items have no loot, For Destro you need to go kill a demon taking a portal that will appear in the class hall and you need a group for that ( Which means scripts which means will take time) and for Affliction it too requires scripts as you need a questchain to get it.


    Forum moderator Titan. 

    1 person likes this

  8. 1 hour ago, Remolkeman said:

    Mmmh You are right, fixing elite traits would mean fixes for PvP&PvE, I think i'll focus on that the upcoming cycles

    And soul stone, Don't forget about soul stone.

    2 people like this

  9. 20 hours ago, Remolkeman said:

    Hi, I'm Remolkeman, the WoD/Legion warlock class master and i'm here because I would like to ask for warlock players opinion for the upcoming cycles for Legion.

    Last cycle a lot of major warlock features got fixed which means(in my opinion) that the class it's in a good spot right now, but of course it's missing stuff like talents, traits and some spell mechanics.

    The second cycle it's already started and the upcoming fixes are:

    -The 3 golden traits missing for each spec(Thal'kiel discord, Dimensional ripper and Soul flame)

    -Talents: Soul harvest, contagion

    - Spells: soul link

    New cycles for now are going to be 5-6 issues per class to try to bring fixes as fast as possible, so I was doubting what things should I choose to get fixed for the cycles 3 and 4 for now so I would like to heard your opinion. The possibilities we have for choosing are:

    -Fix for elite(1/1 non golden traits) and special traits(3/3 traits with mechanics) for each artifact weapon.

    -Fix for the missing talents for each spec.

    -Fix for PvP talents and missing ones.

    -Suggest something to focus on.

    Let me know your opinion by commeting below and tell me which things you would like to see working for those cycles. You want me to focus more on PvP? PvE? Let me know!

    You can always PM me if you have any doubt or need help for something. Have a nice day :)

    Soul stone, Please make the spell devs fix it since its a life saver in all kinds of content.

    With that being said, My opinion here is that priority and focus should go to the artifact weapons and all of their traits so that they are working correctly and can get the nicest dps there is for warlocks, After that talents on each specialization that are not working correctly and lastly pvp talents that are not working correctly too, After all if you want to do pvp you do need both the traits on your weapon and the "pve" talents, You can just play with 1 set of them.

    1 person likes this

  10. 6 hours ago, Lillpalt said:

    Title: Please Firestorm

    Type: In-game


    Good day everyone that reads and i would just like to kindly ask Firestorm about a thing.

    Please my Friends birthday is coming up soon and he has always wanted to be able to get the green flames for his Legion Warlock but sadly what i've heard that does not yet work so if you have time and it isn't to much work could you fix that quest line since it's currently the one thing he wants the most in WoW he has even been straying away from the Servers simply because of this little thing so if you see this and feel that it isn't to much to ask for please fix it.


    Greetings Lillpalt, Since this is not a priority it will not be fixed soon but maybe eventually, I recommend you making a warlock in either MoP or WoD and get the green fire there and then transfer to Legion, But demonology is not the same as it was before so the green fire will not be as epic as it was back then or for that matter in destruction as well, Green fire is a little bit pointless in Legion and you will only see it on your mount and couple spells and that is it so it is just a waste of time to be honest, Anyway i will be marking this as declined as it will be fixed whenever developers have some free time.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  11. 4 hours ago, Hunviper said:

    Title: I can't login

    Type: In-game


    I can't login with my account, because i always give this message.How can i login?pls anyone help me! I am waiting answers!




    Greetings Hunviper, Please post this on technical support as this is not a suggestion, I will mark this as declined, Have a nice day.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  12. 6 hours ago, campussano said:

    Title: Todas las reliquias y nada de el logro

    Type: Website


    tengo todas las reliquias para el logro y no me lo dieron



    Saludos campussano, Ya que esto no es una sugerencia serà marcado còmo invàlido, Por favor postea sobre esto en el foro español en la secciòn correcta de objetos perdidos y seràs atendido ahi.


    Forum moderator Titan.


  13. 38 minutes ago, NigtWingx said:

    Title: No XP from flies in Shadow Moon Valley, Draenor

    Type: In-game



    I got this issue in Shadowmoon Valley, Draenor, everytime i kill one of these flies i get no xp from them and im lvl 93. 

    Best Regards Malfire 



    Greetings NightWingx, I will move this to declined since its not a suggestion, Have a nice day.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  14. 6 hours ago, blackm said:

    Title: re open the BC relam

    Type: In-game


    Will You Please Re-open The Burning Crusade server again, because i have all my chacharcter here in FS and i want to play again TBC, and I don't want to go To Another server


    Greetings blackm, This will likely not happen as there were not enough people playing tbc but rather there was always more people on "newer" expansions, It would be a waste of money to re open an expansion just so 20-30 people can play on it.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  15. 3 hours ago, hallajian said:

    Title: Quest problem

    Type: In-game


    The First Quest for Trolls to kill 6 wooden target is not working.


    Greetings hallajian, I will move this to declined since its not a suggestion, Please post any bugs you find on the bugtracker and developers will take care of it.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  16. 4 hours ago, Abomination said:

    Ok so i got garrison working and upgraded to level 2


    but now i need farm Laughing skull reputation and its not working at all im suppossed to grind mobs and not receiving any reputation

    If its not reported at the bugtracker please do so and it should be fixed as soon as is possible for developers to do it.

  17. 10 hours ago, Th0rAr said:

    Title: 32 bit Legion

    Type: In-game


    i have lots of trouble running the 64 bit version


    Greetings Th0rAr, I will move this to declined since its not a suggestion, If you have a 32 bits pc you will not be able to run the 64 bits one in any means.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  18. 2 hours ago, Abomination said:

    but i made a troll hunter and i cant create garrison at all i have no garrison stone nothing...

    Making a garrison should be working for both factions, If you can not create one on horde please report it on the bugtracker and it will be fixed as soon as possible for the developers.

  19. 7 hours ago, svanz said:

    Title: artifact knowledge

    Type: In-game


    Hi can u pls help ppl that are behind in artifact research bcs i have only 7 notes and other have all 25 so this is not competitive...also for new player 4 days for a research when all have full notes is not fair...so can u pls make them istant or 1 day for ppl that are behind? ty


    Greetings svanz, Sadly this can not happen since that is the way blizzard created this system, Reason why most players are at level 25 is because, Obviously, They have started playing before and along with the artifact catch up mechanic we can just send compendiums to our alts that will put them at research level 20 ( If you are at level 25 on your main), Since this has already been discussed for a long time i will move this to declined, Have a nice day.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  20. 19 minutes ago, Abomination said:

    Title: Laughing skulls item (shop)

    Type: Shop


    Hi i would like you guys to add the Items Laughing skulls to you Fun Shop please as i am unable to purcahse this in-game because u need a garrison level 2 and garrisons are not working in legion so its really hard. but i really want this item in the legion store please. 


    Bloody Visage of the Laughing Skull

    Visage of the Laughing Skull

    Frozen Visage of the Laughing Skull

    Golden Visage of the Laughing Skull


    Greetings Abomination, Garrisons are working in legion but only up to level 2, Level 3 does not work very well at the moment though.


    Forum moderator Titan.

  21. 2 hours ago, Sam said:

    I made two suggestions by the way. Allowing people to transfer from newer expansions to WOTLK and from other servers offering WOTLK too.

    Unless Firestorm partners with other servers this will not happen as that would be stealing players and Firestorm does not work that way so i do not see that happening, What is more likely to happen is to transfer from a new expansion to an old one but not transfers from other servers.

  22. 18 minutes ago, Sam said:

    Hi TitanFurryWf, no not exactly. I meant transferring from newer expansions to WOTLK only to boost the population.



    That is what i said but i dont think that would work, If people play in newer expansions is because they do not want to play in older ones and allowing this would not help it since the game became better ever since MoP hence why people play MoP,WoD (even if its a failure of expansion), And Legion more than Wotlk/Cataclysm but that is just my opinion.