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Posts posted by karlowarrior

  1. Title: MOP PvP Season Rewards

    Type: In-game


    Hello,i'm giving an advice to the Firestorm Team,that for this season,the rewards,are following

    Instead of giving the rank one title,normal glad title and other titles and the shop mounts,the rewards change a bit.

    The rewards would be following : all r1 gladiators and normal gladiators get the https://www.wowhead.com/item=51534/wrathful-gladiators-tabard(Wrathful tabard,beacuse it's technically season 8 right now)

    The mounts would change from shop mounts(Wotlk mounts,which are on shop for everyone to buy without any required rating) to MOP Gladiator mounts,beacuse it is MOP expansion,i don't get the point of playing 3v3 to obtain a shop mount,which anyone can buy,even people who have never even played a ranked 3v3 game.

    For this season we start from Malevolant season,meaning the mount given for this season are https://www.wowhead.com/item=95041/malevolent-gladiators-cloud-serpent,and so on next season the next serpent in line waiting.

    These changes would surely improve arena performance,beacuse more people would queue arenas,beacuse the rewards are a lot of better,there must be some changes done to the rewards or people will stop playing 3v3 arenas,there already is a low capacity in that bracket.


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  2.                                                                               If you like PvP Movies like me,than check this out.



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