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Posts posted by Vicdgaf

  1. 1 hour ago, djreck said:

    what is unfair at the points he explains?

    Most of the suggestion he has about making things easy and instant, it's not like it's bad to make these, but it kills even the small portion of the game left to grind in Tournament. In fact I think that making things more of "instant" and never grind for something else than PvP gear would kill the vibe in my personal opinion.

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  2. Greetings,

    After reading the whole post I've noticed you mention "removing arenas". What do you mean by that ? I am not really sure that will be the best idea. In my opinion closing other famous world PvP zones would be close-minded to do, instead of that they can put some vendors in one specific arena so people can stay there so it makes no sense going to other ones.

    About assaults happening in malls and around them I've gotta say that this isn't a HUGE problem, even the complete oppsite, people love them some huge PvP where both malls are, after all it's a personal preference though.

    All I've gotta say about guilds being more competetive is that a big part of the people in Tournament use it as a PTR server, giving that it leaves the other part of players, the active part, doing some kind of events.

    From what I've seen World PvP is not bad at all in Tournament and I've enjoyed it multiple times on both sides. It's pretty well balanced as it is now, of course it can be better, but ideas like that need to be more specific, try to be more creative and think about something that's unique and other servers will be jelly about !


    Kind regards.




  3. Character name: Chapai

    Date of the incident: 03.07.2016

    Description of the incident: We were hosting some kind of a guild transmog event when this guy came spamming random stuff, which drasticaly changed into flaming us, we invited him in the group because we were in Gurubashi Arena and he was bothering us. Afterwards we kicked him out the group because of how abusive he became. Started flaming and bashing multiple members of the group and was disrespectful towards everyone.





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  4. Character name: Cykakappapal

    Date of incident: 26.6.2016 but he did it before with this char and multiple characters too.

    Description of the incident: Betting/gambling, as far as I am concerned is punishable and AGAINST the rules. I sent a ticket about the guy the other day and they told me to post evidence in forum and report him here and told me that it is indeed punishable.


