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Posts posted by M3GADAST

  1.  @Tigd by quest,i mean the quest in the command table, where you send your followers to battle. 'Troops in the Field'

    also @hatchet thank you for the video, it makes my life easier, as i said i will try to see if i can find what is the problem and then inform a Dev about; sorry for the inconvenience, i hope this will be fixed soon. Also i will proceed to restore your ticket in the bugtracker section.

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  2. Have you tried relogging after you took the quest and check if it's there. If not you can try some temporary fixed, which are:

    - Delete your cache folder, if you don't know where to find you can go the Firestorm Launcher, Legion, setting, open WoW folder and there you should find the folder called cache, which you can delete.

    - Try doing an unstuck; it seems weird but it solves issues a lot of issues many times. If you don't know how to, you can do it by going to your account, character unstucking, select Sylvanas and then select your character, in this case your paladin.

    - You may try contacting an GM in-game, i've already seen that you opened a report on the forum and a GM answered you.

    It's really weird that you don't have the quest, you're the first person i heard with this problem. I hope this helps you up, i'll try to look into the problem on our test server and try to replicate the bug, so it can be fixed.

  3. go to the command table which is in front of you in the second screenshot and send your followers to a mission called 'Troops in the field' , after that, you will then receive the item needed to upgrade your class hall and when you return to the npc you will be able to complete the quest and upgrade your class hall.


  4. Hello there Orgest01. What you are experiencing is a phasing issue caused by Suramar starting quest chain, the way you can resolve the bug is really easy and works most of the times.

    You can solve it by Removing the quest called 'Trial of Echoes' (Suramar starting quest chain) or complete the chain (which is not very long, it's only 6 quests, there are another 4 after that one) and your problems should be gone.

    In the cast there's still a problem you can try the following 

    - Clear your cache folder, which you can do by going into the Firestorm Launcher, then Legion, Select game settings. Then chose the option open WoW folder, and in there you will find the folder called cache, which you can deleted, and may sometimes solve weird issues with the game.

    -Doing an unstuck, which can be performed on the website by going into My account at the top, then Character Unstuck - Sylvanas - and there you can choose the character which you would like to unstuck, in this case your paladin

    - Lastly, you may also open a ticket in-game to contact a GM and try to ask for his help, this may take a while since many people contact GMs constantly.

    Please have a nice day, and i hope this resolves your issues.

  5. Judgment should not give Holy Power, the fact that it did in the past it's a bug, http://wow.gamepedia.com/Holy_Power , this is an example that also states this, the spells that should give you Holy Power are Crusader Strike/Zeal or Blade of Justice. Also Divine Purpose was completely bugged before 7.1.5, it procced even from healing done or received. Divine Purpose should only proc (20%) when you are using a Holy Power spending ability, like Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm, and it's not a 20% for every target hit.

    p.s: If you get accustomed to playing with bugs, then when they are fixed you won't know what to do. ^^

  6. In order to answer you questions, yes, Retribution Paladins do have some stuff which is broken, and a Nerf Hammer is coming, i can't say for what tho. Although one thing that you have to keep notice of, is that if they burst, they do a lot of damage, but that is for every class. Also most of their traits and talents for damage are fixed, so that helps their damage. Don't worry, if i see something weird, like some spells for retris(Execution), i'll check them and get them fixed if they are wrong. And don't be afraid to contact me on Discord, if i'm online i can answer all you questions. :3.

    p.s: that paladin for having 2.4M health actually had a pretty good gear i'd say 845 at least, which can significaly boost his damage especially in PvP.