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Posts posted by Monkabbestia

  1. Salve a tutti italiani su firestorm, faccio questo post per aggiornare i dati riguardanti la nostra gilda, come sempre l'  Epic Herb (gilda esistente sa quasi 10 anni, dei quali gli ultimi 5 circa su firestorm) è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi gildani per infoltire il proprio gruppo raid e PvP, come sempre abbiamo un programma di raid che prevede 4 raid settimanali, di cui 1 di farm per aiutare i novelli, 3 di progress.

    Al momento il nostro progress è(verificabile sul sito):

    Antorus The burning throne Normal 11/11

    Antorus Heroic 8/11

    Nei giorni in cui non raidiamo molto spesso organizziamo rated bg di gilda(siamo sulla media del 1600di rating) e pvp di gilda in generale nel caso non dovessero partire rated.

    Per maggiori informazioni o per essere gildati contattate qualsiasi officer:





    Oppure il Gm:


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  2. Piccolo aggiornamento, sempre attivi gli epic herb cercano player italiani per integrare il nostro,già competitivo, gruppo raid, cerchiamo soprattutto tank ed healer, ma comunque tutti i player che vogliono cercare un esperienza di pve competitiva sono ben accetti.

    Per maggiori info cercate pure in game 






    Al momento abbiamo clearato tos normal completamente e la hero siamo a 5 boss down

  3. Hi all shamans, i have a there any elemental shaman that completed the mage tower quest? I am trying every day the event comes out and yesterday happened somethig pretty wierd...i was finally killing that fat lady and at 12% she get the shield and stats casting the dark fury(or whatever the name of the spell is) then she teleported at the entrance and stopped casting and gone completely immune to anything...there was no adds out or whatever....i casted on her like 2 icefury and like 1or 2stormkeeper but nothing...and this happened for the last 3 attempts...

  4. Hi guys, i have a little problem yesterday i was trying to do the broken shore storyline...i was doing the "champion of the legionfall" quest... i went to the class hall...u completed the quest that gives me the legionfall follower...i went back to broken shor to meiev...but  i cant complete the u guys know if i can fix it somehow? I see a lot of ppl with the class in theory the quest works...but not for me for whatever reason

  5. Ciao a tutti ragazzi, sono Danilo (in game Drakonar ), sono il GM degli epic herb Owner, una delle più attive gilde italiane attive su legion, al momento stiamo allargando le nostre file per poter completare il gruppo per continuare il nostro progress di gilda, siamo alla ricerca soprattutto di player attivi e mediamente esperti, siamo comunque aperti ad aiutare chiunque avesse bisogno

    Al momento il nostro progress raid è  di 7 /7 Incubo di smereraldo (emerald nightmare) eroico e normal e di 1/7 in mitico

    Trial of valor ( prove del valore) 3/3normal e 2/3hero

    Contattate chiunque dei nostri officer per maggiori informazioni

    Savvatore, steny o shyvar

    Ciao a tutti e vi aspettiamo

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  6. Hi all, the ITALIAN guild Epic herb Owner, is actially looking for skilled ITALIAN players in order to complete the roster in order to continue the mythic progress, we are looking mostly for healers and good dps.

    Our progress atm is EN n/h 7/7, 1/7mythic

    TRIAL OF VALOR n 3/3, h2/3 (26 january)

    For more info u can ask one of our officer:

    Drakonar / dondanilo GM

    Steny (viceGM)

    Shyvar officer

    Savvatore officer

    Feel free to contact us ingame!

    Lets make the most powerful italian comunity on this server!

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  7. The mission board is allways there...some times is just invisible...;) u can still find the board if u move your mouse a little bit where the boars should be...if u dont see the board go there and then move your cursor a little bit an u will see that when u find the spot u can still use it!

  8. And about enhancement...indeed there are some critical stormbringer proc...but is not that bad....i saw someone doing more that 400k in raid so il clearly not that bad...if now u cannot do more that 300k after the fix u will reach 300...but not more....truat me...the spec is working pretty fine atm...all of them and are just spend a little bit of time in front of the dummy and try your rotation....for exemple i am tring now the icefury build...until now i was using ascendance....the rotation is pretty challenging...but i have to say that i began with 250k on the with 2 days of practice on the dummy i can stay at 340k withoit so much problems...and i am 861 without any legendary...that is pretty guys trust me...this time spent on yhe dummy is really usefull

  9. For resto u need a lot more mastery at that ilvl u should have more than 100% mastery... and u have a lot of crit....try to change something and bring your mastery to 100% for the moment...but i definitly dont need that much crit

  10. Ho guys, i came today asking u for help, i become really busy in real life, i chamged my main pg for a bm monk and i dont log in my shaman exept for testing the i ask u some help, i need someome that whant to be class master with me expecially with enhancement spec, if someone of u is interested contact me on pm or discord (as toroseduto) or tweek 

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  11. Yeah, i can easly say that atm all specs are 90% working for pve...some honor talents that arent working but most of things is working fine...ah and i am looking on some streamings of some guilds and i saw a lot of shamans...especially in virtuality guild an enhancement shaman was top dps at cenarius with 500k at the end of the raid with my elemental with 38 traita and 859 ilvl i can easly do 330/350k dps...and i am not a top player with shaman because for some time i am maining a brewmaster monk because my guild needs a tank for my performances are not so great with the shaman anymore...but at the end i can say that all of the 3 spect are workimg just if u have some issues just ask someone that knows really how to play.

  12. I dont really know why most of enhancement shamans do so low dps...i play shaman in all 3 specs, and on emerald nightmare i do 300k+ dps at the end of the boss...atm none of the 3 specs have major bugs...we have only a few minor bugs that dont influence so much the final dps...maybe 2 or the only thing i can think is that u are pushing the wrong stats...

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