
[Sethraliss] Aventurina

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Nome do Personagem: Aventurina

Reino: Sethraliss 

Sistema Operacional: Windows 10 - 64 bits 

Como foi feito o download do seu jogo?: Torrent 

Descreva seu Problema:


I want to talk that i have a problem with my helper Clefthoof... when i call him he doesnt appear and when i try to dismiss him i receive a message saying i dont have any helper active. I tried with the others helpers i have and everything works perfect.

1) I tried to relog.

2) Restarted my client.

3) I tried to call a GM in game, but no answer.

Please, can you remove my helper Clefthoof?

(Sorry my bad english)

Thank you.




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Greetings @c4l0u!
Unfortunately this is not the right language forum nor the best solution to your issue as it recalls to be a known bug. What we can do is redirect you to our bugtracker (https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/index) where you can post all the detailed information, in English as well. We hope you succeed in having your issue fixed, and we recommend you post either in Portuguese next time or in the English forum! 
Best Regards,

Moderator Shannaeh

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Olá, @c4l0u

Favor, falar apenas em Português aqui no fórum. Obrigado!



Trial Game Master Rohir

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Trial Game Master Rohir


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