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[MoP] Feral Druid Guide for 5.4.8

2 posts en este tema


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http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/4-0.gif Night Elf: 
Shadowmeld - This spell grants you Invisibility as long as you don't move to cancel the effect. If used with caution you can evade spells that are used against you, not only casted spells, but instant spells too; It's just about timing it. Also, the spell itself will cancel your combat state when used correctly. 
Quickness - Increases your chance to dodge enemy melee/ranged attacks by 2%

Dead Eye - Expertise with guns, bows, and crossbows increased by 1%. 
Berserking - Increases ranged haste by 20% for 10 seconds. 
Da Voodoo Shuffle - Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects(slows/roots) by 15% 


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x4 Delicate Primordial Ruby (160 Agility, For red slots)
x3 Assassin's Imperial Amethyst (80 Agility and 80 PvP Power, For blue slots)
x3 Deadly Vermilion Onyx (80 Agility and 160 Crit, For yellow slots)
x1 Agile Primal Diamond (216 Agility and 3% Crit) or Tyrannical Primal Diamond (665 PvP Power and 775 Resil)


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Shoulder: Greater Tiger Claw Inscription (200 Agility and 100 Crit)
Back: Superior Critical Strike (180Crit)
Chest: Glorious Stats (80 stats) or Super Resilience (200 Resil)
Bracers: Greater Agility (180 Agility)
Weapon: Living Steel Weapon Chain (Reduce duration of disarm by 50% and 200 expertise)
Boots: Blurred Speed (Movement speed increase and 140 Agility) 
Legs: Shadowleather Leg Armor (285 Agility and 165 Crit)
Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle (Adds a socket to belt)
Gloves: Greater haste (170 Haste) or Superior Mastery (170 Master)


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To know which Gems and enchants are the best choice for your character, we have to look at stat priorities for Ferals in PvP:3% Hit > Agility > Mastery > Crit(/PvP Power)> Haste> Expertise3% Hit is mandatory for PvP as you want to avoid missing important abilities like your opener. Agility is by far your most powerful primary stat. Your best secondary stat and the one you’ll be reforging to mostly is Mastery, followed by Crit and PvP Power. Since you can’t reforge to PvP Power, that stat only comes into consideration when you’re deciding whether a gem bonus is worth getting.Haste doesn’t provide a notable damage increase at levels that PvP gear can achieve.Expertise is usefulto achieve 6% spell hit with (3% expertise and 3% hit) so you don’t miss your CC.3% Expertiseis fairly easyto achievewith current gear so no gemming or reforging to is necessary


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There are many various professions combinations, depends on how do you want to play. With Passive Bonuses being based on a bit higher stats/RNG, or with on-use bonuses for a higher burst. 

Blacksmithing + Engineering (Blacksmith offers 2x extra socket slots(on gloves & bracers) 
Tailoring + Blacksmithing (Tailoring offers an enchant with a proc chance; The enchant giving you 4000 attack power for 15 seconds. 
Engineering+ Tailoring (Engineering offering various fun devices; But most important, it offers an gloves enchant(that stacks with your current normal enchant) Increasing your agility by 1920 for 10 sec.(Synapse Springs 
Skinning + Jewelcrafting(or Enchanting) While Enchanthing offers you two ring enchants each of them increasing your agility by 160(So, 160x2 = 320 agility bonus). With Jewelcrafting you can use 2 Serpent's Eye gems as sockets increasing your agility by 160/(each of the two gems). 
(All of the following professions can be combined between them).


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Tier 1
Feline Swiftness - Hands down worst choice this tier. Since patch 5.2 it no longer stacks with the movement bonus granted by our 2 piece bonus, making it effectively pointless.
Displacer Beast - A decent escape mechanism as well as a gap closer. No longer tosses you into prowl but intsead grants 4s of 50% increased run speed. 30s CD
Wild Charge - The best bang for your buck. This talent serves as both a much needed gap closer in both Cat Form as well as an undispellable root in Bear Form. Also very good for eating traps while in caster form. 15s CD
Recommended: Wild Charge - It's just too good to pass up for most of your needs. 

Tier 2
Ysera's Gift - Heals for 5% of your max HP every 5 seconds. If you're at full HP it will heal a nearby ally instead. Passive
Renewal - Restores 30% of maximum HP. Best used after using Might of Ursoc to gain an HP boost to affect the heal. 2 min CD
Cenarian Ward - Tosses a buff on a friendly player which heals them for every 2 seconds for 6 seconds after they take damage. 30s CD
Recommended: Cenarian Ward - Due to the removal of Nature's Swiftness, this is easily the best choice in the tier, with a low CD and a decent healing output. While Ysera's Gift may look good on paper, it will continue to heal you even if you're at 99% HP and your teammate is at 30%. Renewal's long cooldown still makes it viable for a few situations but is limited to yourself, making it lackluster for team gameplay. 

Tier 3
Faerie Swarm - Attaches a snare component to your Faerie Fire ability. Good for when you need ranged slows, but should be avoided if using Glyph of Fae Silence.
Mass Entanglement - Roots your primary target and all targets around the target. 30s CD
Typhoon - Frontal Cone knockback that also applies a daze slow to the targets affected for 6s. A staple if used correctly on Z-Axis areas in both arena and battlegrounds. 30s CD
Recommended: Typhoon - Even with the recent change to grant DR on knockbacks, it's still the best choice in this tier for most situations. The ability to knock back an opponent to a lower part of a map or simply to stop a spell cast that needs to be stopped (Auramastery Heals) it excels. 

Tier 4
Soul of the Forest - Returns 2 energy per CP used on a finisher, making it a great source of consistent energy gain.
Incarnation - Allows the use Ravage and Pounce without being stealthed for 30 seconds. Typically used in conjunction with Berserk for high amounts of burst damage. Also allows use of Prowl in combat for the duration of the buff. 3 min CD
Force of Nature - Summons a single Treant which roots and casts rake on your current target, as well as dealing light melee damage. 3 charges, 20s/charge, No GCD.
Recommended: Incarnation - Incarnation is your standard DPS cooldown used in conjunction with Berserk (see 1.6 "Incarnation Use"). With the nerf to Force of Nature, while it can still be useful for peeling some melee the damage output isn't great. Throughout PvE testing I found the rakes to only deal ~6k damage every 3 seconds, reduced to about 2.5k in PvP. 

Tier 5 
Disorienting Roar - Disorients all enemies within 10 yds for 3 seconds; breaks on damage. Great AoE CC, however does DR with the polymorph CC school. 30s CD
Ursol's Vortex - Places a vortex on the ground which slows enemies inside it and sucks them back to it's middle the first time they try to leave. 1 Min CD
Mighty Bash - Stuns your target for 5 seconds. Pretty much the old bear bash but now usable in any form. 50s CD
Recommended: Mighty Bash/Disorienting Roar - Both Bash and Roar have great team utility for both peels and offensive pressure. Ursol's is simply not great for feral; though could have uses in RBG settings. 

Tier 6
Heart of the Wild - Passively grants 5% increased stats as well as providign an on use which makes you better at what other specs accel at; Increased healing and no mana cost, increased damage from damaging spells and increased armor and reduced crit chance while in Bear Form. 6 min CD
Dream of Cenarius - Increases the amount healed by Healing Touch by 20%. Casting Healing Touch increases the damage for the Druid's next two melee abilities by 30%. Makes for great healing from PS procs and can provide a damage increase if used correctly.
Nature's Vigil - Increases damage and healing done by 12% for 30 seconds. All damage and healing will heal nearby friendlies (and yourself) for 25% of the amount done and all healing will damage nearby enemies for 25% of the healing done. Great when used in conjunction with Berserk/Incarnation as well as a mini-CD with Tiger's Fury and on-use Trinkets. 1.5 min CD
Recommended: Nature's Vigil/Heart of the Wild - Vigil can heal for a serious amount as well as increasing your damage output with mini burst cycles every 1.5 min as well as macro'd into your 'zerk macro. HotW can help to save your team when playing for long games, or simply when you know your healer is going to be useless for a while and you'll need it. 


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Glyph of Cat Form. Do not PvP without this Glyph. It makes both your life and your healers' lives much easier and is a staple to feral PvP. 

Glyph of Barkskin - Great for use in PvP, since crit is generally not as easy to push to insane percentages anymore. Great for use vs Recklessness or inside of a mage's Deep Freeze to prevent extra damage. 
Glyph of Cyclone - Increases range of cyclone by 5 yards, which is pretty useful now that we have to cast it all the time.
Glyph of Pounce - A great glyph with the buff in 5.4. Now allows pounce from 8 yards away, which is great in conjunction with Incarnation. 
Glyph of Prowl - Good for getting an opener as well as catching up with mounted targets. 
Glyph of Fae Silence - Great vs casters that are just out of range of your interrupts, or for preventing that instant cast spell from going off. Interrupts if the target is immune to silence effects.
Glyph of Savagery - Lets you use Savage Roar with no combo points for a 12s duration. Great for high damage openers or target swaps and keeps your damage consistent if the buff is to fall before you can gain combo points. 


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The Best:
Priest - Dispersion. 3 minute Cooldown reducing all damage taken by 90% for 6 seconds. Able to be used while stunned. Discipline and Holy specced priests gain Cyclone as an added bonus while Shadow Priests gain a watered down Tranquility.
Paladin - Divine Shield. 5 minute cooldown, making you immune to all damage for 12 seconds. Able to be used while CC'd and dispellable with Shattering Throw and Mass Dispel. Holy Paladins gain Rebirth (unusable in rated play) while Retribution gains Wrath. Protection gains Barkskin.

The Good:
Hunter - Play Dead. 30s CD, drops combat and causes the enemy to de-target you (including focus). Hunters gain Dash. 
Warrior - Shattering Blow. 5 minute cooldown, reducing the target's armor by 20% for 12 seconds or removing immunities such as Ice Block and Divine Shield. As of 5.2 has a 1.5 second cast time. Both Arms and Fury Warriors get Stampeding Shout (Stampeding Roar). Protection gains Savage Defense
Shaman - Feral Spirit. 2 minute cooldown, summoning 2 wolves to fight alongside you meleeing for light melee damage and healing you for a percent of their damage done. Elemental and Enhance shamans gain Solar Beam while Restos gain Prowl for use with Ghost Wolf.
Rogue - Redirect. 1 minute cooldown, transferring all current combo points to your currently selected target. Rogues gain Growl, increasing their armor and stamina and reducing their chance to be critcally hit.
Monk - Clash. 35s cooldown, brings you and your target together and stuns all enemies within 6 yards. Windwalker monks gain Bear Hug while Mistweavers gain Entangling Roots. Brewmasters gain Survival Instincts.
Warlock - Soul Swap. 30s cooldown, transfers your existing Rip and Rake effects from one enemy to your current target. Warlocks gain Rejuvenation.

The Bad:
Mage - Frost Nova. 25s cooldown, freezes all enemies near you in place. Mage gains Healing Touch.
Death Knight - Death Coil. No cooldown, 40 energy cost. Damages enemies with unholy damage and heals undead allies. Unholy and Frost Death Knights gain Wild Mushroom: Plague, creating a mushroom that routinely pulses applying diseases to nearby enemies. Blood gains Might of Ursoc.

Ability Breakdown:
So you've chosen your talents, picked your glyphs and got the gear; but now what? How do you kill people, and what can you do to survive? Before we can get to that we have to narrow down the following: 

Buffs and Debuffs

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Mark of the Wild: Increases your Agility, Strength and Intellect 5%, as well as anyone in your party or raid. 60m duration. Dispellable.
-Buff mark of the wild before a match and as often as you can when it gets dispelled (when you're resetting, coming back from a fear, ect) without sacrificing damage or CC. 

Predatory Swiftness: Gained from combo-finishing abilities. 20% chance to gain this buff per combo point, with 100% chance at 5 CPs used. Makes your next Entangling Root, Healing Touch, Hibernate or Rebirth instant cast and castable in any form. 8s duration. Dispellable.
-Predatory Swiftness has a chance to be gained on our finishers. It will be used both offensively and defensively for both CC and heals. As of 5.4 Cyclone is no longer able to be used in conjunction with Predator's Swiftness.

Faerie Fire: Applies a 20s magic debuff to the target preventing them from stealthing. Also applies 3 stacks of Weakened Armor, reducing the enemy's armor by 12%.
-Should be kept up on other druids and rogues as close to 100% of the time as possible to prevent restealths as well as on your primary target for the 12% reduction to armor. 

Dash: Increases your movement speed in Cat Form by 70% for 15 seconds and breaks all snare and root effects.
-Increases your run speed to allow you to either get away from or keep up with an opponent. 

Stampeding Roar: Grants 60% increased movement speed to yourself and all friendlies within 8 yards for 10s, as well as breaking roots and snares on those affected.
-Great for getting your friends out of roots and slows or for getting them somewhere fast.

Combo-Generating Abilities

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Shred: Deals moderate to high damage. Builds 1 combo point. Must be used from behind the target.
-Our main combo-builder. Can only be used from behind, but as such guarantees it is neither dodged nor parried. Deals more damage than Mangle. Affected by Glyph of Shred for use from any direction on the target under Tiger's Fury or Berserk.

Mangle: Deals moderate damage. Builds 1 combo point.
-For use when you can't Shred and you need to keep building combo points (or are about to energy cap). 

Rake: Deals medium damage and causes bleed damage over 15 seconds. Builds 1 combo point.
-This bleed should be up as often as possible. The initial and bleed damage scale with our mastery.

Ravage: Deals very high damage. Builds 1 combo point. Can only be used while stealthed.
-This ability is tied to our 4 set PvP bonus, allowing us a free Ravage every 30 seconds. It is also available to those who chose the Incarnation talent, under which the use of this ability is un-restricted for 30 seconds. 

Swipe: Deals low to medium Area of Effect damage. Builds 1 combo point. Does not require a target.
-Mostly for use to keep flags from being capped in Battlegrounds like Arathi Basin or Battle for Gilneas but also good for trying to knock out a stealthed target. 

Pounce: Applies a very low damaging bleed and stuns the target for 4 seconds. Awards one combo point. Can only be used while stealthed.
-Should only be used on openers where a partner cannot provide a stun or when you absolutely need a stun. The energy cost is too high to justify use otherwise. Can be used under the effects of Incarnation or Shadowmeld as well as Prowl.

Combo-Finishing Abilities

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Savage Roar: Increases all damage you do by 40%, lasts longer per combo point. Usable while stealthed.
-Savage Roar should be up as close to 100% of the time as possible. Affected by Glyph of Savagery to allow a 12s buff with no combo points. Without Savage Roar up we're effectively only doing 71.4% of our potential damage (100%/140%), as it's a 40% buff to ALL of our damage. Except under rare conditions (which will be outlined later) this will be your top priority for combo-finishing if it's not currently up or about to fall off. 

Rip: Applies a 16s bleed effect to your target. Increases in damage per combo point used.
-Our highest DPE (damage per execution) finisher in PvP. Should be used on targets that will not be dying or getting CC'd in the next 6-8 seconds. Always use this ability with 5 combo points. 

Ferocious Bite: Deals moderate to high damage, consuming up to 25 additional energy to increase damage by up to 100%. Increases in damage per combo point used. Chance to crit increased by 25% on bleeding targets, and refreshes your Rip on targets below 25% HP.
-Should only be used when Rip and Savage Roar are already up or when the target will die/get CC'd before Rip can deal most of its damage. Can deal very high damage if used with 25 extra energy, good for pushing a kill. 

Maim: Deals low to medium damage and stuns the target. Damage and stun duration increase per combo point used. 10s CD.
-Should only be used situationally where you need a stun and no other options are available. The high energy cost and combo-consumption make this our worst choice for a stun. Damage increased by 100% with PvP glove bonus.

Defensive Cooldowns

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Barkskin: Reduces all damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds. Usable in most CC's. 1 minute CD.
-Standard damage reduction cooldown. The low cooldown and use while stunned makes it great, as well as it's interaction with Glyph of Barkskin reducing the chance you're crit at the same time. 

Survival Instincts: Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds. Requires Cat or Bear Form. 3 minute CD.
-Our shield wall cooldown. Automatically puts you in Bear Form if used outside a form. Cooldown can be reduced with the Glyph however it also reduces the duration to 6 seconds.

Might of Ursoc: Increase current and maximum health by 30% for 20 seconds. Requires Bear Form. 3 minute CD.
-Our last stand cooldown. If used outside of Bear Form it will put you in Bear Form. If you're below 30% health when it's used it will increase your health to 30% and increase your maximum health by 30%. Health percentages stay the same when swapping back to Cat Form, meaning you can use this to "heal" to 30% and then go back to Cat Form, though the maximum health increase will be lost.

Offensive Cooldowns

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Tiger's Fury: Increases all physical damage done by 15% for 6 seconds and restores 60 energy instantly.
Try to use this at or below 20-30 energy so the energy you gain isn't wasted. Line this up with bigger cooldowns such as Berserk or Nature's Vigil for some serious damage. Note Tiger's Fury must be used before Berserk in order to be used with it. 

Berserk: Reduces the energy cost of all Cat Form abilities by 50%.
Our big cooldown. Usually used in conjunction with all other damaging talent choices, such as Incarnation and Nature's Vigil, as well as on-use trinkets and Tiger's Fury.

Crowd Control

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Cyclone: Prevents the enemy from all actions but also makes them immune to damage and healing. 1.7s cast.
Our staple crowd control. No longer instant cast in any way as of 5.4, however has no cooldown again. Great for standard CC or to stop heals on your current target.

Entangling Roots: Roots the target in place for 8 seconds. 1.5s cast. Dispellable.
Usable with Predatory Swiftness and Nature's Swiftness. Can also be used in the form of Nature's Grasp (1 min CD), applying a dispellable buff to ourselves which causes the next attacker to deal melee damage to be rooted.

Hibernate: Puts the target to sleep for 8s. 1.5 sec cast. Breaks on damage. Dispellable.
Great vs other druids, shamans in ghost wolf or hunter pets. Note it does break on any damage, including bleeds. 

Skull Bash: Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4s and increasing the cost of all spells by 25% for 10s. 15s CD.
This ability also has a charge component to it, making it great for catching up to some classes, or interrupting when your target isn't in melee range.

Damage and Survival:

Your Opener

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1. Prowl. Use Savage Roar if you have the glyph, and pool close to 100 energy before opening.
2. Open with Pounce.
3. Rake (Shred if Savage Roar isn't Glyphed).
4. Savage Roar if you don't have the glyph. Else skip this step.
5. Shred. (Or Rake if Savage Roar isn't Glyphed)
At this point your enemy is unstunned. If you have 5 combo points, continue to 6. Else Shred (Or Mangle if they've now turned to face you). 
6. Tiger's Fury, Rip.
7. Gain Predatory Swiftness proc.
At this point, you've set up your opener. If done correctly, all of your bleeds should be present, you should have about 3-4 seconds left on Savage Roar and you've set up your damage on your enemy, and have a Predatory Swiftness proc for use as CC or a heal. 
Your opener with a partner will look similarly, however if he has a Stun you will be opening with either a Shred or a melee swing so as not to DR the stun and waste energy. 

Dealing Damage

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Make sure Savage Roar doesn't fall. Think of it as playing with a permanent 30% damage nerf whenever it's not up. That's like playing without some of your armor!
Keep bleeds up as often as possible. This allows sustained damage on the target, and lets you use higher burst options when the time arises.
Pool your energy outside of burst phases. Try to keep your energy between 70 and 100 at all times. This way if you or your partner can set up a window to burst the target you have the energy to do so.
Make proper use of cooldowns. Don't go popping Tiger's Fury or Berserk and your on-use when they've got a Power Word: Shield and Ironbark on them, or when your partner is CC'd, it's wasted damage. Instead, keep it for burst windows or when you want to force cooldowns for your burst window.
Know when to go for the kill. You'll eventually start to notice situations where your target's partner is either in CC or far way while he's very low health. This is a great time to go for a kill. Swap out use of Rip for use of Ferocious Bite for extra burst damage, and use your cooldowns.]


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You're a hybrid class, and better yet you're a druid! Use your PS procs and/or your talents to keep yourself (and your teammates!) at a reasonable health level whenever you can. If you can get a Rejuvenation/Tranq off every so often it's fine as long as you're not giving up offensive pressure to do so.

Stagger Defensives.
The worst thing you can do is to pop all of your defensives at once before much has even happened, leaving you nothing when the opponent decides to pop their offensive cooldowns. Sometimes one cooldown is all you need to get by, especially with a partner backing you up. 

You have a partner, make sure they know what's going on. Communicate to them you might need their help, or that you're using defensives. Once everyone knows what's going on, mounting a counter is much easier.

Let Your Partner Peel You.
"Peeling" is the act of using crowd-control effects and slows to keep enemies off of an ally long enough for them to regain control of the situation. If you're in a bad situation, communicate to your partner to CC them off of you, this can stop a lot of damage from the enemy team and give you time to set up a counter. 

Crowd Control.
Ferals have a lot of options for crowd-control between Cyclone, Entangling Roots, Hibernate, stun-effects and even interrupts you can keep the enemy from doing something for quite a while. 

Kiting is the act of outrunning your oponent before they can make contact with you, and much more effective if done around Line of Sight objects such as Pillars or buildings. Use of abilities such as Entangling Roots (or Nature's Grasp) and Typhoon can also help in this regard by rooting, knocking back, or slowing your attacker. 

Push them Defensive.
Meet the target head on and push them into playing defensively before they can do the same to you, use your offensive cooldowns if needed. This gives you the upper hand in the fight. 

Counter Cooldowns.
Sitting through full enemy cooldowns isn't something you can afford to do. Make use of the above tips in order to counter their cooldowns without letting them force too many of yours.

In Summary:
Keep bleeds up.
Keep Savage Roar up.
Pool energy outside of burst windows.
Identify when to go for a kill.
Use offensive and defensive cooldowns wisely.
Communicate with your partner(s).
Use crowd-control and kiting techniques and proper use of line-of-sight to survive until you can regain control.


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/cast [stance:1] !Bear Form
/cast [stance:2] !Aquatic Form
/cast [stance:3] !Cat Form
/cast [stance:4] !Travel Form

Burst Macro:
#showtooltip Berserk
/cast Tiger's Fury
/use 13
/cast Incarnation
/cast Nature's Vigil
/cast Berserk

Nature's Vigil + On Use
/cast Nature's Vigil
/use 13

Ursoc Super-Heal:
#showtooltip Might of Ursoc
/cast Might of Ursoc 
/cast Healthstone
/cast Renewal

#showtooltip Wild Charge
/cast [@<insert party member name here>] Wild Charge

Focus Skull Bash:
/cast [@focus] Skull Bash

Focus Cyclone:
/cast [@focus] Cyclone

Pounce/Ferocious Bite:
/cast [stealth]Pounce; Ferocious Bite

Force of Nature Focus Root/Rake:
/cast [@focus] Force of Nature

Flight Form/Travel Form:
/cast [flyable, nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form


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An add-on made by ferals for ferals tracking all of your important buffs and debuffs as well as giving a heads up display of energy and combo points. 

Simplistic addon to track your buffs and debuffs, including trinkets and enchant procs. 

Bar replacement mod. We have a lot of abilities we don't even need to see on our bars but need to keep keybound, so this makes for a much cleaner interface.

A well-known arena add-on which displays relevenet enemy information such as health, trinket use, dispels, resurrections, ect. .

Casting bar, account for latency.

Displays cooldowns remaining on your abilities in a more visual way.

Tidy Plates
Cleans up the blizzard name plates to better display information. Numerous additions to it such as Threat Plates (my favorite). 

Displays time remaining on enemy cooldowns on their nameplates.

Plate Buffs
Shows buffs and debuffs on enemy nameplates. (Note some of the functions of this add-on, namely for debuffs, may interfere with TidyPlates).

Mik Scrolling Battle Text
Customizable scrolling combat text.

3v3 comps

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Jungle: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + MM http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/hunter18x18.gif + Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/priest18x18.gif / Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/paladin18x18.gif
FMP: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + Frost http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/mage18x18.gif + Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/priest18x18.gif
FLS: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + Affliction http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/warlock18x18.gif + Resto http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/shaman18x18.gif
Kitty: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif Arms http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/warrior18x18.gif + Resto http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/shaman18x18.gif / Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/paladin18x18.gif
PDDK: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + Unholy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/deathknight18x18.gif + Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/priest18x18.gif / Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/paladin18x18.gif
PSD: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + Elem http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/shaman18x18.gif + Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/priest18x18.gif / Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/paladin18x18.gif
Stealth: Feral http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/druid18x18.gif + Sub http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/rogue18x18.gif + Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/priest18x18.gif / Holy http://forum.pandawow.ru/images/smilies/paladin18x18.gif

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