Reply to How to gtet to Oribos as Dracthyr?

By andyblast,
No offense but leveling to 70 and endgame isn't THE ONLY thing in WoW, otherwise it would die as quickly as path of exile crap. One may want professions or mogs or mounts or covenant rep toys or battle pets or gathering for mats or for stuff to sell. 2. 

 but as OP posted, mograine's Q-line isn't there in Org or SW.
3. As a new Dracthyr,  I was able to use mage portal to get to Oribos. Word of warning: there will be a few client crashes cuz a new char entering oribos triggers many events (coded events, not holidays).
After a few crashes, i was able to start ZM Q chain but no covenant stuff, i didnt see mograine or bolvar or taelia et al. will check flight paths later.