Reworked Player Code of Conduct (Server Rules)

By Otacon in Rules & Policies,
  Important Notes
  Game Masters, alongside moderators, are volunteers who take on their personal time to help players and the server: as such, you should treat them with respect.
  As human beings, each of them has his/her own sensibility that can influence their decisions (this obviously is only natural, but it is notable enough to be reminded here.)
  Sharing private conversations involving a Game Master to other players is forbidden: doing so can lead to sanctions up to permanent account suspension.
  Your account is yours, and your responsibility only: no excuses can invalidate this statement. In order to properly secure your account, you are advised to read this topic (even if you think your account is already safe!)
  Following the previous point, account sharing / exchange is strictly forbidden. If any case involves account theft / account sharing with a 'friend' or similar, all involved player's accounts will be suspended, including the complainant's one(s).
  The punishments indicated below are the general cases, but in some instances it can vary outside of the written range: if so, you will be notified as to why it happened.
  Rules indicated in this code of conduct are there to cover the most common cases, but aren't the only ones where a Game Master is entitled to act: dishonesty, ill intent and other forms of negative behavior can result in them getting involved. Remember to keep a positive and healthy attitude towards the server, and other players !
  Sanctions can in some cases be applied on all of the holder's accounts: breaking rules on side accounts can thus have impact on your main account.
  If a player is found benefiting from the rulebreaks of another player, both can end up being punished, even though one of them didn't break any rules himself: don't play the ignorance card if you see one of your group members exploit to one shot bosses!
  Finally, those rules are subject to modifications from administrators: in such cases, the reasons of the edition will be added.   Section I - General Rules
  Server Advertising: Advertising another server, via whisper, guild chat, /s, or any global channel. Punishment: 30 days account suspension.
  Arena Win-Trading: Arranged arena battles in order to gain conquest points or such. Punishments: First Offense: 15 days account suspension for every member of the team and reset of all progress. Second Offense: 30 days account suspension for every member of the team and reset of all progress. Third Offense: Permanent account suspension for every member of the team and reset of all progress. NB: Starting on BFA, you can potentially get all of your gear removed in case of proven wintrade
  Cross-Faction Healing Resurrecting: Healing or resurrecting a player from your opposite faction that isn't in front of a raid, dungeon or sanctuary. Punishments: First Offense: 2 days account suspension. Second Offense: 7 days account suspension. Third Offense: 15 days account suspension. Fourth offense: 30 days account suspension.
Note #1: Cross Faction healing/resurrecting is not bannable near a raid/dungeon entrance.
Note #2: The player that is receiving heal will be punished as well if there is a proof of it.
  AFK in battleground: Being away in-game during a Battleground or Instance. Punishment: Handled by the game. if it's not handled properly in-game then in case you have proof, the punishments will be; Punishments: First Offense: 1 day account suspension. Second Offense: 2 days account suspension. Third Offense: 7 days account suspension. Fourth Offense: 15 days account suspension.
  Section II - Virtual property sales and trading   Selling or Buying an Account. Punishment: Permanent account suspension.
  Selling Gold / Items for real money. Punishment: Permanent account suspension.
  Offering in-game services in exchange for real life currency. Punishment: Permanent account suspension.
Note #1: This includes offering skins and other items from other games (i.e: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, etc).
Note #2: Also includes trading in-game gold / items in exchange for other games items, skins, etc.
  Account trading / sharing: Attempting to exchange your account in any shape or form (including friends / thefts) is strictly forbidden. Punishment: 30 days account suspension. (on all involved players' accounts; the thief and victim)
Note: Never give your account information to anyone, if someone attempts to persuade you into giving them your account information report them immediately.
  Section III - Common Courtesy and Social Rules   Racism and Discrimination: Any kind of remark deemed as racist or discriminatory towards a race, skin color, culture, country, or sexual orientation is not tolerated, avoid it at all costs, whether you're joking or not. Punishments: Mute to permanent account suspension depending on the severity.
  Erotic and Pornographic material: Any kind of erotic or pornographic material, such as pornographic comments, links to pornographic websites and images and such should also be avoided whether you're joking or not. Punishment: Mute to 15 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach permanent account suspension).
  Insensitive commenting: Any statements related to the encouragement of drugs, terrorism, massacres or suicides. This also includes any jokes about huge tragedies that have affected the lives of people. Punishment: Mute to 15 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach permanent account suspension).
  Harassment towards a Player or Staff Member: Any harassment towards a player or staff member will not be tolerated. Harassment is a form of unwanted physical or verbal behavior that offends someone or humiliates them. Punishments: First offense: Warning. Second offense: 7 days account suspension. Third offense: 15 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach permanent account suspension).

Note: This includes if you are logging on to another character or creating new accounts to harass a player that has ignored you. Whether it be via chat, mail, etc. If someone was ignoring you, it's most likely for a reason and you don't need to bother them further. Respect each other and think before you type.
  Offensive Nicknames: Using an offensive name on a Character. This rule applies for Racism and Discrimination, Erotic and Pornographic Material, and Insensitive commenting. Punishments: First Offense: Rename and verbal warning given. Second Offense: Rename and 2 days account suspension. Third Offense: Rename and 30 days account suspension. (Extreme cases).
  Offensive Nicknames: Using an offensive name on a Pet. This rule applies for Racism Discrimination, Erotic and Pornographic Material, and Insensitive commenting. Punishments: First Offense: Warning and removal of the pet. Second Offense: 2 days account suspension and removal of the pet. Third Offense: 30 days account suspension and removal of the pet. (Extreme cases).
  Offensive Nicknames: Using an offensive name on a Guild, and Arena team names (Wrath of Lich King/Cataclysm). This rule applies for Racism and Discrimination, Erotic and Pornographic Material, and Insensitive commenting. Punishments: First Offense: Warning and your Arena team / Guild will be renamed. Second Offense: 7 days account suspension and Arena team / Guild will be deleted. Third Offense: 30 days account suspension and Arena team / Guild will be deleted.
  Impersonating a staff member. Punishment: Permanent account suspension. (Extreme cases).
Note: Impersonating a staff member in order to steal someone's account will result in a permanent account suspension.
  Trying to take advantage of any fake friendship with a staff member: Telling a player or staff member that you are a "Friend" of any other team members for whatever reason. Punishments: First Offense: 3 days account suspension. Second Offense: Permanent account suspension. (Extreme cases).
  Disrespecting a staff member. Punishment: Mute to 30 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach permanent account suspension).
  Publicly discussing or criticizing a decision implemented by a staff member. Punishment: Mute to 2 days account suspension.
  Providing an Administrator or Game Master false information. Punishment: 30 days account suspension.
  Spamming requests about gold, levels, items or basically ANY reason to Game Masters. Punishment: Mute. (In really severe cases, ban can reach 30 days account suspension).
  Section IV - Bug abusing Rules   Killing players of your own faction: Exploiting any kind of method to achieve this. Punishment: 1 day account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban reach 30 days account suspension).
  Gold Exploiting: Taking advantage of an NPC which allows you to exploit gold or any other similar method. Punishment: 10 days account suspension and gold reset. (In really severe cases, ban can reach 30 days account suspension).
  General exploiting: The malicious use of bugs in a way that normal game-play would not permit, generally giving the user an unnatural advantage. Punishment: 1 day account suspension to permanent account suspension.
Note: This includes accessing normally unavailable areas in order to get any kind of advantage (kill enemies, being able to hit from afar without possible retaliation, etc...)
  Buff abusing or buff stacking (having multiple buffs that should not normally stack or that grant the same stats applied at once). Punishment: 5 days account suspension. (In really severe cases, ban can reach 30 days account suspension). 
  Section V - Hacking Rules   Automated Keypresses: Using a macro, keyboard addon or multiboxing tool assist to automatically press a key in any circumstance if forbidden. Some automated addons used for harassing players, harming the server or advertising things will be punished according this rule as well. Punishment: 5 days account suspension to permanent account suspension.
  Using chat color text or modified chat links: Exploiting the use of colored text (i.e: chat colors, chat colors macros, and chat links). Punishment: 30 days accounts suspension depending on the severity.
  Use of Third Party Programs: Using a third-party program or modification to gain advantage over other players. This includes speed hacking, fly hacking, (Outside battlegrounds, arenas, instance. In world, it includes GM Island and GM Box). Punishments: First Offense: 7 days account suspension. Second Offense: 15 days account suspension. Third Offense: 30 days account suspension. Fourth Offense: Permanent account suspension.
Note: The use of addons in order for you to perform normally impossible actions (spell queuing, auto casts / interrupt / spell block, auto placing of AOE spells, etc...) falls into that category.
Note: In case of recidivism, if you have a ban outside BG, Instance, etc for either 7 days or 15 days then you did hack again inside BG, instance etc, you will be banned for 30 days then permanent.
  Use of Third Party Programs: Using a third-party program or modification to gain advantage over other players. This includes speed hacking, fly hacking, (Inside battlegrounds, arenas, instances etc). Punishments: First Offense: 30 days account suspension. Second Offense: Permanent account suspension.
Note: The use of addons in order for you to perform normally impossible actions (spell queuing, auto casts / interrupt / spell block, auto placing of AOE spells, etc...) falls into that category.
Note: In case of recidivism, if you have a ban inside BG, instance, etc for 30 days then you did hack again outside BG, instance etc, you will be banned permanently ignoring the first 3 offenses of hacking outside rule.
  Promotion of Third Party Programs: Any person who reveals their existence, download links, names, how to use them, recommending them etc. Punishment: Permanent account suspension.
  Section VI - Channel Rules (World_en / Staff_en)   Drama, insulting and disrespecting in World_en: Doing these activities in World_en is forbidden and it will result in a punishment according to the rules. Punishment: A channel kick to a 30 minutes mute.
  Only English is allowed in World_en: Speaking in another language which is not English will be punished. Punishment: A channel kick to a 30 minutes mute.
  Excessive use of capitalization in World_en: Any excessive use of capitalization repeatedly. Punishments: First Offense: A channel kick. Second Offense: 10 minutes mute. Third Offense: A channel ban. Fourth Offense: 2 days account suspension. (Extreme cases).
  Spamming/Flooding: Spamming or Flooding channels may be deemed as annoyance, so refrain to do so. Punishments: First Offense: A channel kick. Second Offense: 10 minutes mute. Third Offense: A channel ban. Fourth Offense: 2 days account suspension. (Extreme cases).
  Abusing any moderator rights. Punishments: First Offense: Warning. Second Offense: Channel rights will get removed and A channel ban.
  For more information on the chat channel rules, please visit World Channel Rules.

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