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About Worgol

Firestorm User

  • Name Thromvar
  • Class Hunter
  • Level 110
  • Realm Greymane
  • Race Orc

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  1. Title: Improve server's credibility Type: In-game Description:  So there's supposedly this "bug" in the server that mysteriously occurs to only one player, Foulgado from Sylvanas. According to this "bug" this particular player (and him alone) receives a 70% healing when he uses Aspect of the Turtle, because he benefits from both MM and BM artifact traits. This player i have reported more times than i could count, the explanation so far has been that this is a bug, not the player's fault, so he can't be banned. And i keep recording screenshots after screenshots of him benefiting from this bug since then, and it becomes boring after some time. Now to be honest, i really started to lose my trust in the server's administration. Come on, we all played Marksmanship Hunter, i've been playing that class for almost 3 years in this server by now; a "server bug" doesnt occur to only one player in the whole server. Another example would be the player Guergyhembal, who has almost like 200 win - 0 lose RBG rating, in a realm (Sylvanas/Greymane) where no RBGS even take place at all; "well we can't really track back what happened in previous battlegrounds" they say. Technically that might be true, but let's be realistic, not even a 3 y.o kid would believe no wintrading took place there. I am sorry but people don't take your bizarre explanations for turning a blind eye to cheats and wintrades seriously. Many players already have a low view of the server administration's credibility in dealing with these issues and these are only a few examples that could be enumerated. My suggestion is you better improve server's credibility by dealing with shady issues of some prominent players. I understand this is a private realm and private realms might perhaps sometimes need to appease some generous players, but i think there's gotta be a balance where the said player should be told to at least not cheat in a "too public" way.