
[Valdrakken-Dragonflight] Kleimón (Warrior) and Pobrediabla (DK)

2 posts neste tópico

Nome do Personagem: Jôlinho

Personagem que você está denunciando: Kleimón (Warrior) and Pobrediabla (DK)

Reino: Valdrakken-Dragonflight

Data do Incidente: 10/02/2024

Descrição e Evidência:

Sorry for the basic English, I'm Brazilian, I come to report two players who were favoring the other healer from the other team in a 3 x 3 (solo) ranked arena (apparently they were friends, just theory). Their names are Kleimón (Warrior) and Pobrediabla (DK). They both stood still in the arena waiting to be killed and hurting me a lot, due to it being a ranked ranked match, they are always joining in, this is exhausting for casual players like me who have been encountering this type of event. Because the ranked solos were 6 rounds, they hurt me in 5, since at least one fell on my team and remained stopped, when the two came, the situation was both at a standstill. I even recorded a video and can send it to prove it.


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Olá caro jogador

Verificamos o seu report, a sua denuncia passa a ser invalida
o video que nos enviou está "recortado" (nao apresenta a tela inteira), posteriormente nao nos mostra qualquer facto de que estao AFK, na secção de pvp do nosso site nao consta nenhuma partida dos jogadores em questão.

por isso a denuncia passa a ser invalida


Head Game Master Valshyra

1 pessoa curtiu isso

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