
[Garrosh] GarotoOld

2 posts neste tópico

Nome do Personagem: GarotoOld

Reino: Garrosh 

Sistema Operacional: Windows 11-64 bits 

Como foi feito o download do seu jogo?: Outro 

Descreva seu Problema:

I want you to fix it Urgent !!! I have two legendary tank capes from Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao ID ( 102245 ) In short, my Character is ROGUE (ROGUE)
Because I'm ROGUE I'm being alone in the game with no friends and colleagues for me to do Dungeons and Raids for Prejudice I'm wearing a cape TANK ME BEING ROGUE ME BEING ROGUE I HAVE TO HAVE A CAPE CALLED : Gong- Lu, Xuen's Strength They think I don't know how to play because I have won 2 legendary Qian-Le capes, Niuzao's Courage in the LOOT BOX that I spent money and have spent money and invest in this game so I demand
Fix this bug or I will stop playing and I will move on to this problem, FIX IT THANK YOU.

Character name: Garotoold
Kingdom: Garrosh
level 90


That's not luck, it's bad luck an items buying with money can't have mistakes I spent a lot of money on Loot Box and came item Tank cape for a Roguer and an abuse of terms, a Tank item can't go to a ROGUE (Rogue) Site bankrupt I will contact Demais about it if not resolved I will file a consumer lawsuit.




Editado por GarotoOld

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Olá @GarotoOld, peço que contate o admin Beastial pelo pm em nosso discord, e peço que veja a linguagem utilizada no fórum, resumindo utilize somente o Português neste fórum


Senior Game Master Croft

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